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    Most Recent CHRIS CORNER Videos! more
    34 minutes

"Knocked out and carried"
38 mins
Starring: Ashley Lane, Belle Fatale, Genetica V. and Lexxi
W/ Bronson

It is Monday and that is GIRL'S NIGHT at Belle's place. She always has her besties over, trading sex secrets, showing off the latest shoes and lingerie, having drinks, and eventually making out in lingerie, possibly leading to wild sexual encounters. When Belle's backwoods boyfriend decides it is his night now, she tells him to leave in his beat up truck so she can have her night with the girls. After he leaves pissed off, her friends start to arrive and they start to have fun. They all talk and trade secrets, each gal having her own personality and class, Genetica shows her sexy spendy lingerie, and Ashley follows suit, Belle shows her lace and stockings, while Lexxi can't seem to not be bursting out of her top, with her growing tits. They have fun with it telling stories, talking smack about others and then drinking. They get drunk and that is when the boyfriend returns. He parks down the road and looks with his binoculars, seeing the sexy gals in lingerie make him even more mad that his girlfriend is having a lesbian party while his friends wait to meet at the pool hall in town.  As the gals lose inhibitions and get drunker, they start to undress each other and make out. He decides they are loud and wont hear him so he garbs his tank of nitrous oxide and a hose and moves to the window that sucks all the air in. He gets it going and gasses the house. As the women kiss, finger. and play with each other the gas takes affect. They start to feel ill then eventually are out, twitching all over the sofas, but then they are out cold. He gives it a minute to make sure then heads inside to get started. He has plans: First he needs to undress and fondle them, methodically and thoroughly, then he wants to splay them out so he can see their necks and arms stretched, also their feet and soles. He loves this part but then he brings the truck closer and parks. He carries each gal one by one across the gravel to the big truck bed, where he puts each body in a row, saving his now ex girlfriend in the back opposite from the other three. They are still out cold as he drives down the road to his place to strangle and dispose of them. The truck drives along the gravel road for a couple minutes, showing the bodies bouncing in the back bed of the big truck, on the way to their demise. TO BE CONTINUED....PART 2:

Gals are: driven more in the truck bed, carried, Strangled to death(In the tub, on the clothes washer, in the bed, and a neck snap while a strangle is in progress(so much for trying to help your friends). Then Necro and more carrying to the disposal site with extended views.

This is so well acted and done, it is EXACTLY what the customer wanted, and one of the first times he said a producer has, "nailed it!". It seems to be the theme, another satisfied customs customer! Thanks! CB

Run Time: 38:42 minutes
File Size: 800 MB 	Format: .MP4
    6 minutes


A professional woman, in the privacy of her backyard cools off after a long day, drinking a frosty pint of ale, dressed in bra and panties and her button down dress shirt open. As she relaxes and contemplates, a crazy lunatic has escaped from the mental institute, and sneaks up on her in her lounge chair, and with a quick strike he wraps a very thin garrote around her neck and pulls tight. She fights hard but he enjoys pulling it tight and seeing the cord dig into her neck. He strangles her as she bucks, kicks and spreads her sexy toes in the grass. She fights for a while but eventually he wins the battle and she is dead, mouth open and a bit of tongue showing. He is in a hurry so he quickly takes off her top and he is mesmerized by her sexiness and beauty. He sucks her perfect breasts, he removes her panties and fucks her hard and fast, slamming her in the chair as she lays there dead, eyes wide open. after he cums inside her, he gathers himself and runs away, taking the panties with him. After he is gone her sexy dead body, strangled and fucked, is panned and viewed.
     HER DEADLY DREAMS 1 Pillow Smother
    14 minutes

      HER DEADLY DREAMS 1 Pillow Smother - HER DEADLY DREAMS 1 Pillow Smother
(4 Dreams)
Starring: SaraLiz and Belle Fatale


FULL RES 1920X1080HD

Belle is an adventurous woman that loves all of life's pleasures and especially PANTYHOSED FEET.
She constantly has dreams and day fantasies about her co workers, baristas, and everyday women on the street, in the throws of strangling, smothering, bagging, or choking out some hot chick in pantyhose, her favorite color being black. In most of her dreams and fantasies, she is dressed like a stealth assassin, clad in black, like a CAT, with black pantyhose, and a bandit mask, sneaking without shoes into the room where her victim is entranced, asleep, or even, distracted by what they are doing at the time. She always plays with them when she finishes, sucking on their pantyhose covered toes, sniffing and whiffing their bodies and especially the feet. Kissing and sucking all over their bodies, she makes her way out of the dream after a catchy line that mocks the victim. Every movement, cat like, feet arched and pointed, moving across the bodies taking in the pantyhose victims.

DREAM # 1 Pillow Smother

Belle starts to rub herself after a long day in the office, caressing herself, closing her eyes to imagine herself outside a door, peeking in, seeing a sexy young woman in her bed under the covers asleep. She moves stealth into the room like a cat, climbing on to the bed, checking to see if her victim is in deep sleep. She is out, just tossing and turning enough to see her pantyhosed feet, scrunching and flexing in the hoes. This drives her wild and she starts to remove the covers slowly from her feet and legs, revealing a sexy, long legged beauty, nude except for her pantyhose, fair game for the taking after some fun. She smells and kisses her belly and works her way down to the feet, smelling, licking and sucking the girl's toes and feet, slinking around the bed like a cat, passionately sucking and sniffing the sexy feet. As she works her way back up, she sniffs and bites on her clit lightly through the pantyhose, driving the sleeping girl wild as she moves her feet and legs around from pleasure. The young lady smiles and moans a bit in pleasure as Belle plays with her sexy body. As she nears closer the young woman wakes up and sees what is happening, a bandit in black, molesting her in her sleep. The Bandit swings into action, gaining control of her by pinning her down on the bed, then grabbing the closest pillow and covering the young lady's mouth and nose, pressing down hard on both sides so she cant move much. Her eyes go wide as she fights and screams beneath the pillow, lacking any and all air from Belle's persistence. Her feet stress and flex as she fights for her life. Belle notices that one of the tactics of escape for the poor young victim is to rub the Bandit's crotch, and this excites her, when she moves the free arm to try and fight more, Belle tells her not to stop, they were just starting to have fun. This obviously pisses off the young victim and she bucks hard enough to free herself momentarily. She gets a deep breath in before Belle gets back on top of her and puts the pillow back over her mouth and nose so she can see her eyes widen and in distress as she puts her down. The young victim is a fighter, just how Belle likes it and starts to wrap her legs around Belle's waist. She fights her hard but soon her legs start to lose their grip, and her arms stop working well, and she starts to fade. As she starts to go limp, her feet twitch in the pantyhose, then her arms, body, and legs goes completely limp, as she is dead. The Bandit removes the pillow slowly showing her lolled, smashed in tongue protruding, where the victim tried to get air using her tongue but the pillow made it impossible. She goes to the edge of the bed and pulls the victim by her feet to the edge of the bed so she can spend time sucking and licking her toes and molesting her dead body, licking all over smelling her parts and spending some time with her. After messing with her kissing her all over she positions her with one hand down to her pussy, under her pantyhose, and the other arm on her ass under the pantyhose, and goes to her face, kissing her on the tongue, and finishing her part of the fantasy, leaving excited and happy, dancing out of the scene, kissing the feet on the way out. Extended views and pans of the sexy, dead, woman, her feet and pantyhose.

This is only the first dream, there are 4 total in this series, each with a different kill method, different location, dress, and pantyhose, focusing on black and off black colors. This is true fetish my friends, the best quality too, full resolution. CB

Run Time: 14:00 minutes
File Size: 550 MB 	Format: .MP4
    15 minutes


Introducing: Sinn Sage w/ R.A.E.

***FULL 1920x1080 HD***

"This was our first shoot together and a warm up to learn each others style and tempo. Well right out of the gate we have a triple crown winner when it comes to hotness, acting, and all out dedication to your craft. Welcome to our little corner of the fetish world Miss Sage!" -C.B.

A young woman is home from college visiting her relatives and house sitting while they are away. She takes the opportunity for peace and quiet, away from the city and it's constant bustle. She listens to music and plays on her phone as she sunbathes in her bikini. She is starting to warm up in the sun, so she loosens the straps on her bikini top and squirts her chest with water and takes a drink in between. She has her music up loud and she is grooving in the sun. As she cools off and continues to sunbathe a contractor shows up in his truck. He brought some materials and tools to help his crew finish a new out building and starts to unload when he gets a call. He answers and it is the home owners, away on vacation, who have contracted him to finish the job. They are upset because his crew did not show up that day and they are not going to pay him his balance for not meeting the deadline. He tells them that is not going to fly and he will find something of value to take for his compensation. When you hire a company called "Killer Construction", you should probably think about crossing them. The owner who is an ex con, who has been reformed, but still has his wild side. He has no clue what he is about to stumble upon as he goes to the back yard to get his tools and materials back to leave the job. As he rounds the corner, he sees some sexy skin and painted toes sunbathing. He moves back and peers through some bamboo to get a better look. He obviously knows who has been reporting that his crew is tardy, and he has a thirst for his old job as a hit man. As she continues to smile and bounce her head to the music, he goes back to his truck to find something to finish her off with. He looks and grabs the hammer, but thinks that will be messy, he grabs the razor knife and feels the same way about that. He sees a long thick length of rope he uses for climbing and harnessing for roofs, he grabs it and winds it across his tattooed hands and arms, walking towards where the young lady lays on the reclining beach chair. She is oblivious and doesn't notice as he wraps the rope tightly around her neck and pulls hard, causing her to jerk up and start to thrash around in the chair. She grabs for the rope as it digs in to her neck. He pulls even harder, getting some distance from her to him so he doesn't get smacked in the face by her wild thrashing arms. Her sunglasses come off and fall to the grass and she kicks the flip flops off hard and they fly off on to the grass. His point of view looking down at her struggling and flailing, and the priceless expressions as she turns her head to see her killer. This sends the hardened criminal into a frenzy. She digs her sexy soles into the chair and flexes the purple painted toes, trying to kick and thrash hard to get free, but this only makes it so she is dispatched faster. Her gurgles and grasps at air are not enough like having a drop of water when you need a gallon, she is red faces and eyes bugging out. Her tongue protrudes and she starts to look as if her body is not getting the message the brain sends, spasming, jerking violently as she fights off her attacker to no avail. He pulls harder and her eyes cross, she straightens her sexy legs and her bottom bikini digs into her crotch. Her perky tits bounce around and he looks down at her sizing her up for his next portion of the adventure, and message to the world, "do not fuck with me." Her final attempts at staying alive are thwarted by a harder pull and her head tilts as she rolls to the side, eyes crossed, out of air and the last death breath is accompanied by a perfect stare of defeat and death. He does not let go even after she is dead. He pulls harder and up a few more times, causing her body to spasm and toes to spasm. She is dead and he lets the rope go and goes straight for her body. He pinches her nipples that are hardened from the strangle. He plays with her sexy face and mouth, pushing his fingers in and out like he was screwing her mouth, inspecting her tongue as he pinches it, and pulls on it to see how long it is and how it is still pliable. He moves his hands down and squeezes her tits hard, then moves around to her thighs and pussy, rubbing her wet pussy through the bikini bottoms, even grabbing her pussy lips between his fingers and pulling them up. He rubs her thighs and ass before he decides to carry her to his truck. This is the perfect compensation for not paying him. He was starting to get tired of construction anyway and wanted to get back in the game, what a perfect way to bridge that gap. He lays her in the bed of the truck, legs dangling down, only in her bikini bottoms. He checks her out ragdolling her and rolling her on the side so he can feel her amazing ass. He squeezes and spreads her ass apart, pulling them tight into her cheeks and lips. He rolls her on to her back again and molests her nipples more, then removes the bottoms to inspect her perfect pussy, he spreads her lips and looks inside, lusting for what he will do to her when he gets her back to his place, or maybe a new hideout. He jumps in the truck, moving some siding and tools so he can drag her into the truck bed. He doesn't even bother to close the tail gate just for the thrill. He drives away and she is in full view from different angles jiggling around in the bed of the truck on her way to being used and abused before being dumped. Probably not a good idea not to pay the contractor.

This is just the beginning. I am finally back to where I can shoot and getting the rust off so I can get back to producing award winning customs. Please enjoy and look for more of Sinn Sage in coming days, weeks, years. Big plans with her. Chris

Run Time: 15:00 minutes
File Size: 695 MB 	Format: .MP4
    33 minutes

Starring: Coco as Grace X & Xander X
W/ Rex as Spy Rex
& Chris B. as Boss X

Grace is sitting in her office awaiting news of her sister's demise. She gets a knock at her office door, it is Boss X with a DVD that was sent by the Double Agent spy who killed her sister Xander, who was a fledgling Agent who was on her first mission. Grace plays the disk and it shows Xander seducing Agent Rex, and as things get hot they kiss, and Rex is groping her, kissing her lips and neck. They fall to the bed, getting hotter as Rex lowers his hand to her pussy and starts to rub her. He gets her going and soon he thinks he is in control. GRACE WATCHES AND STARTS TO GET HOT. Rex is fingering Xander and she starts to get off and as she cums, she sneaks the gun under the bed and slowly brings it up then tries to shoot him, but misses and he disarms her. They exchange blows, and some punches, Rex tries to slam her but she rolls out and gets free, running towards the gun and grabbing it up, she points it at him but he grabs it and points the revolver at her belly and fires into her waistline at close range.WATCHING THIS GETS GRACE REALLY GOING... It throws her back to the bed and she sinks down to the floor. Spy Rex is in control and he heads over to her, punching her a couple times, then he undresses her shirt, then puts the gun to her right breast and fires, popping her tit, which starts to bleed. She is in shock and reacts with a groan and a yelp. He taunts her more and puts the gun to her other breast, punching her in the shot tit. He shoots her in the left breast and she is in major pain. GRACE CONTINUES TO WATCH THE VIDEO, FINGERING HERSELF IN HER THIGH HIGHS....He taunts Xander, smacks her a bit, and then taunts her more with the gun, putting it to her head, then mouth, then pussy. She tells him, "Just shoot me in the pussy so I can have my last orgasm as I die!", "Please shoot my pussy." He puts it, holding out for a second then POP, right in her clit, she reacts and cums hard, then after a few twitches and a buck or two she dies.GRACE CUMS WILDLY, OVER THE MOON WITH DESIRE TO KILL THE SPY AND AVENGE HER SISTER'S DEATH.... Eyes wide and mouth open. Spy Rex loves to fuck them while they are warm so he goes right in and strips her panties, just leaving the black boots and fucks her bloody pussy with the shot clit. He screws her dead body as she bounces, he loves grabbing her tits and legs as he pumps. He cums on her mound and then gathers himself, tossing her to the side and exiting, leaving the gun to show she died by her own weapon. GRACE FINISHES UP AND GRABS HER GUN HEADING TO THE LOCKER ROOM...

Grace gets dressed to kill in her tight skirt and lacey tight top, black/red bra, red g-string, and lacey black thigh high stockings,  with high heels. She gets made up, brushes her hair and checks her sidearm. As she looks in the mirror she vows to get revenge. She heads to the spies house, late at night as he sleeps, she creeps down the hall. She gets to his room where he lies on a sofa, covered with a blanket. As she aims and readies her gun he does a diving roll and she fires trailing him, hitting him in the shoulder with the .40 s&w which causes him to be in shock for a moment. She gets over him and points the gun. She tells him he is done, and she is going to get off while he lies in pain, but she will make it slow and painful like Xander's death. She grinds him and tells him as she puts the gun on his dick that hse will fill his dick with lead if he doesn't take her heals off and suck her toes in the thigh highs. He does as he's told, enjoying her feet before she stands over him. She rubs one out over him with the gun first and then her fingers, which she licks clean before she points her piece to finish him off. As she is basking in the glow of a good orgasm, he has freed his extra gun from his waist and has it aimed straight at her clit. As she taunts him she realizes she is doomed and POW! He shoots her in the clit as she stands over him, making her lift off the ground, and let out a yelp and grunt. She goes down holding her crotch, dropping her gun and he kicks it out of the way. She is in great pain and showing it as she bucks and grunts and whines. He gropes and punches her, then removes her bra and top. He takes the gun and punches her tit with it before blasting her right breast. She shrieks in terror and pain, grabbing her wound, and then as he punches her shot tit, she screams in pain. He shoots her in the other breast and she grunts and cries out in pain. He squeezes her tit and the blood pours out of the hole in her tit. She is in major pain. He adds more to her plate and puts a slug right in her buttonhole, making her scream orgasmically. Then he kicks her in the side a few times to add insult to injury. She is bucking and spreading her hosiery covered toes, and he stands up over her, telling her she was an amateur like her sister and that her Agency is weak. He shoots her in the head, killing her instantly, and her body twitches a bit, plus a couple of jerks, and she is out. Her eyes are wide and a trickle of blood comes from her head wound. He knows it is time to remove her panties and fuck her warm pussy good. He screws the hot twin spy and blows his wad on her mound too, it is his signature move. He then rolls her and he takes off to round up some intel, and make a call. Her body is panned, and Xander's as well back and forth. The two dead, sexy spies loved their jobs and loved the final death being shot in their pussies. Rex comes back to Grace, she is a legend and he must take one last look. He grabs her face, looking her over, puts her face up and spread eagle, then exits to leave her for the viewing. Grace X and Xander X fought well, but they were no match for Agent Rex.

This is my best work to date, and the reason why people don't mind waiting for their finished product. CCC

Run Time: 32:33 minutes
File Size: 497 MB	Format: .WMV
    20 minutes

Starring: Starli w/ Johnny Wood and Thor

A female assassin(Starla) comes to get revenge on a cop who killed her Twin sister(Starli), and her partner Belle. She comes into the office and Detective Thor's assistant detective is next to the desk, pacing, trying to get to the bottom of what happened more than a week ago when two girls armed and dressed to kill ambushed his boss, shooting him in the chest, and leaving him for dead before they were both shot in the pussy, and then in the clit. 

She has the gun drawn when she enters, and she fires hitting him in the shoulder and wounding him. She kicks the gun away and puts a bead on him. "So detective", she says in a sexy voice, "You know who I am right? I am here to assassinate you". "Get on your knees and lick my pussy, then fuck me hard"! He obliges her by doing so and continues to eat her pussy till she tells him to lay down on the floor. he does and she rides him hard fucking his dick, slamming hard into him, with the gun to his head. when she cums she squirts so hard it hits his face, then she shoots him between the eyes, he goes dead limp... She climbs off and makes a phone call. The head detective heads into the office as Starli tells her boss about how she finished off the detective. He grabs her hair and puts a gun to her head. He forces her to suck him off and have sex, he fucks her every which way and then when he cums, he forces her back to the desk where he shoots her in her pussy as she begs him to, she is orgasmic by getting shot in the cunt. He pops another one into her clit, she bleeds a trickle of blood out her snatch and also out of her clit hood. She twitches, bucks and heaves in so much pain and ecstasy, before twitching and writhing to death. The detective positions her on the table before exiting. 

Awesome job by all acting and the fx are great! Enjoy! 

Run Time: 20:00 minutes
File Size: 440 MB	Format: .WMV
    32 minutes

Starring: Ashley Lane and Odette DeLacroix
w/ Jigsy as Frank

This clip is an experiment in expanded dialogue, almost to the point of a stage play, and consequent enhanced emotional complexity, though with plenty of passionate death too.

Story: Involved in a trafficking gang for whom life is cheap and death comes free, Ashley and Odette have for months been engaged in a hot but erratic love affair, in defiance of organization policy. Following their most recent, worst breakup, Odette, on a self-destructive impulse, has stolen valuable contraband and sensitive, incriminating data in a desperate, misconceived ploy to break free. But her betrayal is soon discovered and retribution will be swift, cruel and absolute.

In the opening scene, Odette comes home drunk from a night of unsatisfying dissipation and masochistically masturbates before a portrait of Ashley and then falls into a troubled, drunken sleep. Meanwhile, Ashley, finds out what's to happen. Driven by pity, vestigial love and irrational guilt over their failed romance's role in Odette's sealed fate, she decides to act, barely in advance of the gang's retaliation. She pays Odette a nocturnal visit to offer, not salvation, but relatively merciful, sensual deliverance vastly preferable to the torments Odette will suffer at the enforcer's hands.

Going to Odette's side on her bed, Ashley first uncovers and then touches the sleeping girl and, becoming increasingly aroused, brings her to climax. Odette wakes up in confusion, which soon turns to horror as she learns her fate. But Ashley offers to deliver her from the gang's justice, and offers her a quick death on the point of her knife. Odette, stalling for time, tries to seduce Ashley into erotically strangling her instead, to which Ashley agrees, but has hardly begun when Odette breaks away and produces a hidden gun, with which she unsteadily menaces Ashley.

Ashley slyly reasons with and seduces Odette to distraction and, with a sudden lunge and grab, tries to get control of the gun. They struggle over it, and it goes off. For long moments, it's uncertain who's been shot, at last revealed to be Odette, grievously wounded in the lower chest, her life slowly ebbing away. Unable to help in any other way, Ashley toys with her sexually. Odette's weakness grows, along with her intensity of erotic sensation, until finally, as she climaxes, Ashley crushes her throat and brings her to a doubled final orgasm as she dies.

Preparing to leave, Ashley is seized by a strange fascination with Odette's inert body and, only partially clad,  climbs back onto the bed to embrace the corpse, then falls asleep.  A dream comes upon her in which Odette, wounded and throttled, but full of life, seduces her into an erotic strangulation in which, after a sensually ambivalent struggle, Ashley dies, only to be called back to life by Odette – "time to wake up, pretty girl" (what movie's that from?) -- still in her dream. "Am I dead now too?" Ashley wonders." "No," Odette tells her, tapping her on the center of her forehead, "There's one more veil to be lifted."

Ashley wakes up with a jolt to find herself in bed with dead Odette and confronted by the gang's enforcer. She begs for her life, trying to seduce him, picks up Odette's hand and masturbates with it, trying in vain to get a rise out of the killer. Letting her know her final moment is at hand, the killer slowly takes aim and shoots her in her forehead where Odette tapped. With a last cry "Odette!" Ashley flops onto the bed, exhibiting decerebrate and then decorticate posturing, the musculoskeletal physiologic signs of massive brain trauma. Then with an explosive bladder release, she's gone.  Pans of wide-eyed corpses complete the scene.

Ashley and Odette, two perfectly opposite embodiments of both beauty at rest and grace in action,  provide, along with their accustomed fine physical acting,  erotic intensity and emotional authenticity that give this rendering of the fantasy its passionate dynamism. Highly recommended for fans of the complex and unusual.

Fetish elements: Masturbation, sleep molestation, knife menacing, garotte strangling x 2(at least!), catfight over weapon, low chest (nonfatal) and forehead (fatal) gunshot wounds, tracheal crush with ligature, traumatic abnormal posturing (decorticate and decerebrate), dream death, corpse hand masturbation, bladder release, body pans, spectacularly beautiful women, more....

This custom took a long time to shoot and edit, what a beautiful writer. Thanks! CB

Run Time: 32:00 minutes
File Size: 590 MB 	Format: .MP4
    23 minutes

Starring: Sinn Sage w/ Drake

FULL 1920X1080 HD

A young woman who is in the witness protection program is heading to a safe house before she is a key witness in a mafia boss trial. The private cop who unloads her cuffed, from the van is not even remotely interested in her flirting or advances. He brings her in the house and pushes her to the couch. She is pretty salty about having to testify, but if she doesn't she will go away for a long time. She starts by acting like a brat, asking for things she is not allowed to have and writhing in her cuffs, pouting. He tells her he is not interested in her or her advances. He clues her in to the reality that the detective that was supposed to be guarding her is in a dumpster. As he tells her he puts on skin tight black rubber gloves. He tells her that he is here to enjoy what he does for a living which is a killer. She goes for broke and offers herself sexually, even saying she will suck his dick so good he will never know a better BJ. He says he is not interested and chokes her, letting her feel some pain and know he is serious. The hired assassin plays into it a bit, and lets her up as she continues to talk sexy to him. "You like it rough huh? I can take it rough"  He takes the cuffs off and tells her she can do one thing for him, maybe a strip tease. She says she can do that and anything else he wants. He tosses her against the door and chokes her again, telling her to dance and no funny stuff or he will blow her jaw off. She works it, stripping and dancing, giving him dirty sexy looks. He pulls out his Glock and starts to play with her as she is finishing stripping. He uses the gun on her tits, and on her pussy burying the nose of the gun into her snatch. He gets her thinking she will be fine and seduce him but as she is almost fully undressed, and her slacks are down to the boots panties down, he pops her in the belly right between the button hole and the mound. She looks up in shock, wondering why as she slides down the door and blood leaks from her belly. She is in shock and goes down to the floor, smearing blood on the wall from her hand that was clutching the belly wound. She looks at her wound again, squirming on the floor and as she looks up to him to ask for help and a hospital, he points his Glock at her breast and goes pop hitting her in the heart and blood pours from the wound. She flounders around kicking her black Knee High boots. He feels her up as she slowly expires from the mortal heart shot. When she is dead and he is ready, he scoops her up and carries her to the sofa. He feels her up and removes her slacks, leaving the boots on her feet. He inspects her sexy body and legs in the boots. He lifts her legs to see the curve of her perfect ass, then squeezes her tits. He plays with her limbs and fingers her pussy, slowly checking out her still warm body. He spreads her pussy lips to see what he is getting into ready to fuck her and his phone rings. It is the boss and he needs him on another job fast. He is instructed to leave the scene and let the cleaners to come to finish. Money is money so he says "yes sir" and hangs up. He takes off, leaving his gloves on until her gets out the door. Her body is panned and viewed from many angles, close and wide.

Sinn Sage is a sexy gal. She is hot! This is a great acting and shooting vid.

Run Time: 22:20 minutes
File Size: 400 MB 	Format: .MP4
    18 minutes

Starring: Coco as Grace X
Awesome w/ Belle Fatale

Four scenarios, each one with two gals that are struggling with some sort of dilemma, for doing something dirty or underhanded to their boss, or someone in crime. Grace X the hitwoman sneaks up on them, says something clever, and continues with the precise placements of her slugs. Two scenes are silenced head shots with quick deaths, and two scenarios are not suppressed. One scene she has dual 9mm pistols, and another the handy model 92A to do the deeds. Head shots, breast shots, pussy shot, belly shot. Full sound and gun fx, bullet holes, but no blood. Enjoy!

Scene 1: 
Strip to death..
Two stupid strippers are getting dressed to make some money, but the owner of the club is tired of them being indecisive and stupid, so he sends in Grace X, his trusty Hitwoman to tie up a couple loose ends. Grace sneaks in and when she is in position, unannounced to the two sluts, she waits o get a word in edgewise which is, "Hey Cunts", thweep, thweep..they hit the floor from gunshots between the eyes and die instantly. Grace mulls over the dead gals, checking pulses and kicking their legs open. After inspection she exits to hit the ATM to cash her huge check! Body pans of the lovely dead slutty strippers follow. 

Scene 2:
The Long Trip...

The two hot, scantily clad and topless coeds sit on the sofa discussing their trip to the islands. they seem content until they realize why the have to leave, and it hits Belle, she needs to be off the mainland because of a hit out on her. She smiles when she thinks she is home free, but around the corner comes Grace X, with two 9mm pistols, right and left handed she tells them, "You aren't going anywhere bitches", and bam bam, each gun hits each gal, Awesome right in the heart, and one in the right breast of Belle, purposely, so she can watch her suffer a bit before she finishes her off with a mouthful of one of the guns. After Belle tries to crawl away, Grace X grabs her, flips her over, and sticks the gun inside, deep into her mouth and pulls the trigger after some squealing, Belle dies instantly, mouth wide open. She checks them a bit then exits to cash out! Body pans of the sexy bitches follows.

Scene 3:
No Sick Days...

That is exactly what the boss says at the accounting firm, during tax Season, no days off, and absolutely no sick days. His two careless secretaries do not give a rat's ass, so they are laying in bed, talking about nipples, sipping on some beers, with their long socks on, just relaxing. Much to their chagrin, Grace, the bosses, "Acuntant" is in their flat and listening to them talk smack about her. She slowly moves to the room with her briefcase, and reaches in for the silenced pistol. The gals notice her audacity and question what she is there for and how she got in the flat. Grace is stone cold and just says, "The boss has a message for you, and taps them each with a shot to the head, they both die instantly on the bed, in their sexy long socks. The sexy hitwoman puts the gun back in her case and says, "No Sick Days you dumb bitches" and exits, leaving the two sexy babes to be panned and viewed for a bit. 

Scene 4:
Slip poker....

Someone forgot to tell these two idiots that they should not gamble with the bosses money, especially playing poker with the rival gang, that just left with their whole case of cash. They plot on how they are going to win it back by organizing another game and credit card scamming to get the down ante. They have no idea the boss has them tapped and now he is going to have them double tapped, but in a different way. The hitwoman comes in and wastes no time sending a message that you can't steal from the boss, she shoots Belle twice, once in the tummy and once in the left upper breast, killing her pretty quickly, she twitches and writhes a bit while the scared Awesome looks in shock as the Hitwoman grace kneels down and puts the gun against the scared bitches pussy and fires, sending the gal back in her chair a foot. She dies soon after and the hitwoman heads off into the sunset to collect her loot. The tow scantily clothed gals are slumped in their chairs by the table. They are viewed and panned with their lovely death stares. The End...

Well after all the outtakes, can't resits to show how we do it! The gals enjoy this stuff, and do prefer it over degrading porn! Thanks! CB

Run Time: 18:10 minutes
File Size: 324 MB	Format: .WMV
    18 minutes

Starring: SaraLiz and Freya

**FULL 1920X1080 HD**

Special Agent Sara Liz is a member of a missing persons task force in the Pacific Northwest. She has been actively looking for Freya Davis for a while, and finally feels like she is on her tail. She arrives at the address an informant gave her, and draws her pistol. She slowly checks the door knob and it is open. Inside Freya hears the door knob and the clack of the high heels on the porch. She grimaces like, "what now?" and goes back to reading her book. Agent Liz comes in waving her gun telling Freya to drop what is in her hands. Freya is playful but agrees and stands up. Agent Liz is nervous but still cocky and thinks her training can send her in without backup, but having something to prove to your colleagues will get you in trouble, especially if you don't follow protocol. She just wants to haul Freya in by herself and be a hero in the task force and Agency. Bad idea. Freya smiles and tells the agent she has no clue what she is talking about, a missing girl? She informs the agent that her safety is still on and Liz scoffs, but looks down and Freya knocks the gun out of her hand and across the floor, a shot goes off, then she immediately chokes her neck with both hands. They struggle and Freya has the upper hand, but Liz is fighting back, choking but fighting back, eventually she knocks Freya back to the floor, and Liz gets on top of her but Freya is crazy strong and bucks her off. The two square up and and Freya throat punches her, knocking her back to the sofa, but Agent Liz digs her heels into Frey and kicks her off of her. Liz gets up and punches Freya making her mad, and Freya delivers a combination knocking her back and bloodying her lip. She feels the blood on her lip and and tastes it, pissing her off, but when she goes to punch Freya, she gut punches her knocking her to the floor on her knees. The agent crawls for the gun but Freya kicks it further away from her grasp. Freya gets on top of her back and straddles her, putting her in a figure four choke hold, which Liz fights but can't do anything but struggle. Agent Liz tries to pry, kick, and even roll, but Freya just laughs and taunts her for not having back up. Freya keeps a tight hold and the agent fades out hard, knocked out cold. Freya gets up and pops the clip and empties the chamber, grabbing her phone to call her boss and let him know the feds are there. In the other room SaraLiz is out, but she is stirring and coming to. When she gets up she grabs her throat, it is sore from the choke hold. She tries to look for her weapon but it is gone, she pats herself down then remembers it is probably gone with the collar. Just as she thinks she is in the clear, Freya comes around the corner, holding her gun, but when Agent Liz throws her hands up, Freya throws the gun and clip in the trash and smiles as she advances to her to have some fun. SaraLiz squares up with Freya but a few attempts to punch her are fruitless and Freya knocks her down and gets on top of her, she grabs a phone charging cable and quickly fashions a garrotte and strangles Agent Liz. She straddles the agent on her midsection, feeling her kick her heels and legs in her tiny skirt. The agent fights back but is already exhausted from the beating she has taken so far, but that does not stop her fight, she chokes hard on the cord as it digs into her neck and her face turns red, then purple, tears flowing from the pain and excitement. She tries to fight back, even bucking Freya off but Freya just uses the move to get behind her and strangle her from behind. The Agent is fully exposed now, kicking and digging her high heels into the carpet. She tries to fight and grab but she is losing her motor skills. and eventually looks up at Freya, blank stare and goes limp. A tear rolls down as she lets out the last bit of air and dies. The cord was so far dug into her neck it stays there and peels off. Freya gets up and checks out the Agent, telling her when her boss gets here, he is going to have fun with her, but firs she wants to get her undressed and take some pics and selfies with her first Fed kill. She unbuttons her shirt and opens it up, showing the sexy agent's bra. Then she drags the agent to the couch, setting her up on the edge and starting with caressing her face and neck as he plays with the Agent. She takes off the shirt and blazer, then slides the skirt, leaving the heels on. She takes the bra off and caresses her tits before she takes selfies with her for her collection of dead cops, and now Federal agents. After pics and a caress goodbye, she leaves her there as the boss drives up and she goes outside to meet him. Body pans of the sexy dead agent follow.

Wow, this is some great fetish film excellence. Hot gals, great wardrobe, guns, badges, and fighting, a choke out, and a garrotte strangle to death after another fight, then stripping, dragging, and pictures... This is really wonderful custom film. CB

Run Time: 18:00 minutes
File Size: 668 MB 	Format: .MP4

    Random CHRIS CORNER Clips more
    19 minutes
Starring: Belle Fatale, Ashley Lane, Karma, Freya, and Odette Delacroix
w/ Jigsy

Continued from PART 2...

Immediately as the scene opens Ashley is ambushed by Belle who, barefoot, has to jump up to her tip toes and wrap the computer cable and loop it over her head, and she does so with much vigor and success, almost taking her down like she was a horse, with a rope. Ashley's long legs and body fight hard and buck, but Belle holds on like a champion rider in the winning race. She pulls the tall young woman on to the sofa, then pulls her upright so she is on her knees to fight and feel the fighter buck against her groin and feel good. She loves to use long garrotes and cords, nylons to strangle so she can see the neck and the way the victim dances on the end of the cable, swaying like a dancer to and fro, almost like a ballerina, or a marionette. Ashley thrashes in her dances, arms clawing at the cable when they are not swaying. After a long bout with the tall blonde with amazing sexy legs and feet, she lets go of the long cables and Ashleys frame drops to the side like a bunch of poles crumbing to the landing, hitting the floor with a thud, eyes open tongue barely sticking out, and hair messed up by the crazy affair. She wants to deal with her in the body pile so she takes Ashley to the bed with the others and removes her top of the dress to see her perfect breasts and sexy face. She checks out all her lovely corpses and touches each one talking to them like they are alive, well one of them still is and she is focusing on her, Odette, just then she hears the sound of a car racing to the gravel, then a car door shut and a knock. It is her arch nemesis, Detective Freya Brooks who has been trying to foil her plans since they first met a few years back, when Belle had her in her grip, but lost it and the young cop escaped, only to work hard and earn her gold shield, so she could take on the unsolved murder cases, and find the killer. As Belle grabs a long spool of para-cord, she has stashed in the pantry, she hides in a position to strike. The cop, who finally has a warrant invites herself in, taunting Belle as the killer is tucked behind the bar. To her advantage a limb breaks outside startling the detective, who spins around to point her gun, only to be ambushed from behind by Belle who takes the cop down fast, and she drops her service weapon to the floor. Belle is brutal and this is the day she has waited for for a long time so she goes hard and harder. She is behind her taking her to the floor, where she is over the top, commenting on how the detective let herself in, when she replies, in a choking voice, "Fuck you bitch, i have a warrant!" which just makes Belle go nuts and flip her over so she can have her in position she knows will be fatal. She gets the cop on top of her and pulls the cord hard from behind getting the leverage that pops Freya's eyes out and makes her tongue try to lick the sky. She pulls so hard that the cop tries to grab her and grab at the cord, but it is so tight and Belle has so much rage and strength, she has no chance. She still fights hard with all of her might but the serial killer pulls her around the floor, keeping it tight, so her eyes are rolling back into her head. Belle breathes hard and continues until the bitch is no longer moving, or even an inch, she is dead. Belle is in a trance and laughs hard and creepily as she undresses the detective and checks her out feeling her up and showing her crotch. She removes the clothing and bra and thud, drops her to the floor, molesting her tits more. She hears noises and whining in the distance, almost like a cat, but knows it is Odette coming to and coming her way. She stashes the cop dragging her to the other room by the door, just getting out to the living room as Odette comes into the kitchen and to living room, pointing in shock towards the room full of dead bodies. As Belle tries to comfort her, noticing she still has the stocking wrapped around her neck goes to console her as the young girl realizes she is the killer that did it all and was going to finish her too, she freaks out but it is too late for her escape, Belle has her hands on both ends of the stocking and has her lifted of the ground to get her on to a surface she can kill her on. She pulls so tight on the thigh high stocking that it makes several creases in her neck where they cross in front, getting red as they rip against her skin. Odette, though small, is fighting harder than anyone she has strangled in her serial killing career. The tiny frame just means she is harder to reign in, and Belle has to get behind her standing above her on the couch, pulling hard using all of the thigh highs. She actually looks as if she is trying to pop the little things head of, but Odette still fights until her death, digging in her tiny size 5 feet, spreading her painted toes apart as she chokes to death at the hands of the best. The most ruthless, female sociopath killer known in the entire Western hemisphere. Odette fades and twitches, tongue lolling, head cocked to the side, and finally dead, still. Belle gets up shoving her to the side like a pile of rubbish. She rag-dolls the corpse a bit, getting her to the floor so she can eventually take her away with the others. She sets her up, lets her fall, checks out her ass and pussy then drops her on the floor as she hearts another car coming up the gravel drive....This just may be her luckiest day yet! The scene cuts to body pans and views of Odette's dead, sexy corpse and stare, right after Belle leaves with a wicked smile, heading for the door. Who could it be next?

To be continued.....

What an amazing cast and killer. The best! Oh my God ODETTE!!! I can't wait to be healthy and have her much to do so little time. These are top notch strangle kills and as smeone told me today, "Belle actually scares me!" Maybe this will be a Halloween treat!!!!
Okay off to deal with this crap in my skull, talk to you all when I get back to earth, hopefully!! Muahahahahahaha. Chris B

Run Time: 20:00 minutes
File Size: 500 MB 	Format: .MP4
    23 minutes
Starring Coco, w/ Johnny Wood

Coco is a lone spy who is trying to get some information. She disguises herself with long hair and glasses as she plans to head to the hot tub to get some chill time in. When she returns, she towels herself dry in her microkini, then dries her feet and toes really well. She sets her glasses down and when she looks up, there is her rival. They start to fight but he handles her and gets her up against the wall. With his free hand he pulls the knife from the small of his back and points it at her belly, three inches below the navel. He sticks it to her skin, pressing it hard, right before it breaks the skin. He asks if she is ready? She screams but his hand covers her mouth so it is muffled. He jabs the knife into her gut, and she grunts as if she has been punched in the stomach. The man presses the knife deeper and almost all the way in. He moves it around causing her to be in a great deal of pain. She is up on her tippy toes, arching her back and groaning in pain. He removes his hand from her mouth and she looks at him with the wondering gaze, and a why did you do that look.

He takes his hands free from the blade and she grabs it with two hands, then drops to her knees. The man whispers something into her ear and leaves the room, she falls to the floor, then to her back. She writhes and bucks her pussy and hips while grunting and groaning in agonizing pain. She moves the knife around and it hits her G SPOT. She starts to moan and groan in sexual ecstasy and pain, at the same time. She flexes, curls her toes, and cums really hard as she pulls the knife out of her belly. With the knife dripping blood onto her stomach, she slowly expires with the perfect death stare.

After long wide and close pans of her body, and bloody knife. The male spy comes back into the room and inspects the body, cuts off the microkini, cleans the knife, and all of the blood off of her besides her belly stab wound. After she is clean in the front, he flips her onto her stomach and cleans her ass and pussy thoroughly. He then exits for more pans of the hot, dead, spy, face down, ass up.


Run Time: 22:46 minutes
File Size: 341 MB 	Format: .WMV
     VAMP HUNTER Caroline v Tomiko
    10 minutes
      VAMP HUNTER Caroline v Tomiko - VAMP HUNTER Caroline v. Tomiko
Starring: Caroline Pierce w/ Tomiko

Caroline is a Vampire Hunter in town for a convention and looking or her mark. She comes into her room wearing boots that go all the way to her ass, a very tiny leather skirt and a tube top showing underboob. She slinks in with her pistol tucked into her boot and goes to her desk where she types on a computer after setting her pistol on the desk. As she types away to her boss, the Vampire moves her way to her from behind, in skirt and knee high boots, short skirt revealing her ass and sexy legs, and a tank top. She moves sneakily and sexily to the hunter. She pulls her hair to the side and starts to kiss her ear and neck sending the Vampire hunter into a frenzy of passion biting her lip and rubbing herself. She reaches for the gun but the vampire pulls her hand back, still kissing her but deeply with her tongue, biting the huntress tongue and kissing her. The huntress is lost in the moment and the vampire grabs the gun caressing the huntress body and pulling up her top with the gun, kissing on the huntress nose and face. She runs the gun between her legs and then goes to the belly. She carefully places the pistol on the huntress belly and pulls the trigger. The Vamp hunter squirms and writhes while the Vamp kisses her and then moves the gun down to her belly firing again, leaving two perfect small holes in her belly, almost resembling large bit mark. The Vamp Hunter bucks and writhes and the Vamp kisses away and then pulls her chair back so she can get in front of her as he kisses and caresses the huntress. The Vamp takes off her top and plays with herself pinching her own boobs and rubbing her crotch, aroused by the dying huntress. As she dies, the Vamp sits her up and rubs herself over the dead body. She plays with her more and then kneels down in the huntress belly and goes to feed.....

What a blast working with Caroline and Tomiko, and can't wait to see them later this year! CB

Run Time: 10:15 minutes
File Size: 345 MB 	Format: .MP4
    17 minutes
Starring: Freya w/ Jigsy


After beating on his ex partner for over an hour, The Shocker interrogates his ex as to why she betrayed him. He has her tied to a tall chair in the middle of the room. She is bruised, cut, and bleeding from beating. After she doesn't respond to him, he unties her and tells her if she can escape she is free, but she is beat and tired. She charges at him anyway and he just blocks her punch and punches her with a couple hard rights. She tries again but he deflects and punches her again. He beats on her and throws her against the wall. He punches her over and over in the face, then to the body. He sips his energy shock gloves and charges them as he grabs her pussy. She convulses wildly and her body shakes uncontrollably from the shocking. He pulls away and punches more, then shocking her breasts and pussy again. She pisses herself through his glove and he pulls away from her as she relieves herself on the floor after losing control. He punches her a few more times and shocks her more until his gloves run out. He will have to recharge them later for now he uses his fists and punches her till she falls down into his crotch after a blow of an uppercut knocks her to her knees. He rubs her face in his crotch then whips out his cock, plunging it down her throat as she gags and chokes. He forces her to choke on his dick and the blood mixes with the saliva and dribbles down her chin and to the rug. He fucks her face as she chokes and gags hard. He still wants to have fun with her so he lifts her up and punches her in the body and face until she hits the floor, then he scoops her up and punches her in the back of the head to the other side of the room. He goes to her as she is on all fours and lifts her up to his chest and drops her back on his knee, breaking it with a crunch and loud crack. Her back is broken but she is still alive and spinal cord in tact so still sending signals to her legs as he punches and then charges his gloves and shocks her pussy again, then her tits as she pisses again. He then pounds on her right left, ground pounding shots and hammer fists in rapid succession until she is dead. He doesn't notice that she is gone but he keeps punching and beating her until he has had enough. He gets up and takes a breath, excited and hungry for the next phase. He drags her dead body to the hard floor where he drops her and she pisses the rest of her fluids out and leaves a puddle on the floor. He stands over and looks at her for a few pans of her dead soaked, bruised body. He pulls her up to her knees from the floor as she drips pee, and forces his cock into her dead, bloody mouth. He plunges it in and out making her saliva that is left mix with the blood and pre cum he is releasing. He dicks her hard and fast, changing her position so she dangles as she is on her knees in front of him dead gagging on his hard cock. He rams her and cums in her mouth after a nice long, multiple angle BJ. Her mouth explodes with blood and cum dripping from her face and mouth, he then gets more to cum in her face and jets a hot load on her cheek and mouth as he dips his cock in and out of her mouth. Her eyes are wide and open as she is used up and beat down. He drops her pony tail and she ragdolls to the floor like a heap of garbage. He decides he needs to piss and takes a long piss over her dead, bloody, abused, body. He exits to move on to the next partner who he will find and train, hopefully not to betray him.

Freaking Brutal. Wow. This genre is not my thing but I definitely like to make great fims so this is raw, hardcore, and very rough video. Freya is amazing and loves the work so we are taking on customs for her at this time. She is good, and hot! CB
    17 minutes
Starring: Belle Fatale as: Detective Martin and Freya as Spider Woman

A long list of missing persons from this area has detective Erica Martin coming the specific region where the disappearances have all occurred. She is alone, only her service weapon, a radio, and dressed in heels and skirt, with a button down top, not really the best attire for traipsing through the woods looking for a killer, who leaves no trace of the victims. As she moves tactically through the woods, down an old service road, Erica encounters all kinds of bugs and webs, one thing she really does not like is spiders, and spider webs. Ironically enough, moving behind her without a trace, A Spider Woman, moving quickly like a shadow through the woods from tree to tree without a noise. Erica is freaked out by all the bugs but keeps her composure. The spider playfully grabs a stick from the ground, snapping it loudly so it startles the Detective, and she spins around pointing her gun. The spider loves to have fun with her prey before ever feasting on her. There is a process, and to feed on this woman's juices and fluids, she must get her ripe and ready. Part of that process is the chase and the on set of fear and adrenaline pumping through her veins increasing the blood flow. The spider moves again, and Erica makes a call on the radio, sounding confident, but also mentioning there are a shit ton of bugs and it is creeping her out. After she tells HQ she needs NO Backup, the spider licks her chops and spills copious amounts of saliva readying her mouth for the feats of blood, cum, and plasma. She breaks another stick startling Erica who spins around and sees something out the corner of her eye. She is freaked out but keeps her stance, the Spider advances and breakneck speed and is upon her, shredding the detective's top with one swipe of her sharp claws, and disappearing into the brush, only to reappear and do the same thing to her bottoms skirt, and biting her on the ass twice, sinking her fangs and getting the first dose of venom in the detective's body, then vanishing into thin air. Erica trips staggers and falls face first in the dirt, writhing in pain from the bites. She moves around in agony, then quickly jumps up with blurred vision from the toxic venom that renders the victims helpless, but still fully aware, awake, and with enhanced physical feelings. As Eric spins around firing of her pistol at thin air, the spider makes herself seen and the Detective starts to back up pointing the gun but not being able to fire for some reason, the toxins are in full effect. She keeps backing up and the spider taunts as Erica backs straight into the web, immediately being entangled in the web and flailing freaking out as the spider laughs and taunts Erica. As she gets caught even more into the web trying furiously to escape but just making it worse every time she tries to break free. The spider knows this is part of the process and it is time to stimulate the body to bring forth the juices. She moves around to her back behind the web, reaching through and twisting and pulling on the detective's nipples to get the blood flowing. The spider moves around and takes a big bite into Erica's breasts, immediately the detective moans in pain and pleasure, sounding like she is having sex, slowly getting more and more into it as the spider sucks her breast, then massaging the nipples with her bloody tongue, almost vampire in nature. Erica moans in pleasure and pain as the venom takes effect more so in her sexual organs. She starts to buck and heave, moving around and breathing heavily as the spider has her way with her. She bites her breasts again and sucks them hard, leaving bite marks and tons of blood and plasma leaking out. After she sucks the breasts and the Detective is in full swing of her first assignment as a feast for a spider, and definitely her last. She asks the Spider, "what are you and what do you want from me?" "You are my food, and I am preparing you for my feast." the spider relied with a chuckle, then returned to her, but this time she was focusing on her panties, then removing them with a shred of her sharp claws. She starts to touch and massage her clit, stimulating the pussy to make the blood and juices taste best. She flicks her tong, biting the detective's pussy, blood and cum start to leak out as she is going full bore on her pussy. Erica is in convulsions orgasming and going into shock at the same time, her eyes rolling back in her head as the spider drains her body of its juices. She is relentlessly sucking and getting as much as she can, Erica is fading quickly and starts to buck and shake hard, then dies, but the spider keeps going and revives her for one last orgasm and final spurt of blood and juices to take in for her feast. As Erica's body revives, her eyes stay wide, but her body shakes and orgasms hard as the spider drains her of everything she desires, the cream of the crop. The Spider pulls back checking her work and laughing maniacally, removing the shell of a woman left on the web. The detective is limp and drained, and falls to the ground as she is released from the web. The Spider will continue to take what it needs over the next few hours and days, so she rolls the body over and drags her off into the woods to her pile of bones and hair.

HOLY MOLY! THE ACTING IS SO WELL DONE! You already kno0w Belle but she is on some times 100 stuff in this wow! Crazy good and so well worth it. I spent over 30 hours editing this with the 3 camera set up and f/x. Wow! This is what sets us apart. Thanks! CB

Run Time: 17:00 minutes
File Size: 795 MB 	Format: .MP4
    28 minutes
Starring: Ana Molly w/ J.D. Cameo by SaraLiz


Ana likes to be at home taking care of the house while her man works long days to bring home the bacon. As she straightens the living area of the place she notices a couple of her stockings in between the screen and keyboard of her man's laptop. When she opens the computer she sees something on the screen that shocks her and makes her take a seat. As she looks at the video on the screen she notices the woman(SaraLiz) is not moving and her eyes are wide open. She also has a stocking toed around her neck which is odd to her. As she continues to watch the video, she notices that the woman appears to be dead. She continues to watch as the woman's body is viewed naked and ravaged, from many angles. When she snaps out of her day dream she is playing with herself, pinching her nipples, and sticking her hands down her pants to play with her pussy. She knows, as a redhead she takes the cake when it comes to horny housewives. Sometimes her appetite for sex is so great she has to have it in the morning, afternoon, evening and in the middle of the night. Before long she finds herself getting very aroused. She has a plan that will serve her what she needs and give him a big surprise in his secret fantasy life needs. She undresses and heads to the bathroom where she puts on some make up and her sexy thong, leopard bra and nighty, along with some sexy heels that show off her painted toes. After some sexy red lip gloss she is ready to show him she can play dead too. She calls him telling him he must leave work immediately and come to her, she has a huge surprise for him when he gets home. After hanging up she opens the laptop and gets a refresher on how to tie the stocking around her neck and what pose to be in when he arrives from work. She lays on the rug in the room and positions herself to look dead, strangled, and ready to fuck. She gets into her position and stays that way, practicing until he gets home. When he walks in the door, he sets down his lunch box and smiles, saying alright in a this is a great surprise kind of tone. He kneels down and starts to grope her, his love and now fantasy playing dead wife. He gets a bit more aroused as he peels her nighty off, then her bra and panties. He sucks her nipples, and licks her pussy to get himself closer to being hard. He sits her up and rag dolls her a bit before he uses her hand to stroke his dick. He has to remind her to stay limp every couple of minutes but after a minute she gets the idea and stays still. He gets his dick harder as he gives himself a dead hand job.  As he kneels closer to see her face and his cock getting iron hard she breaks character with , "I can't take it anymore" as she grabs his cock into her mouth and starts sucking furiously. She sucks his dick so well, looking up at him as she spits on his rock hard dick, then licking his balls and shaft as she winks at him and uses her free hand to rub her pussy and finger herself deep. He loves a great BJ but she doesn't get that his fantasy is to have her dead face being fucked, so even though she is doing an A-1 job on the BJ, he tells her to play dead, so she lays back down and plays dead. He removes her shoes and kisses and sucks her toes as he enters her. He is hard as a brick so he starts to fuck her as she lays still, keeping her eyes open and not breaking character. He is holding her body like a corpse as he fucks her slowly getting full penetration, having to remind her to be still and not say a word so he can have his way. After a few minutes she starts to moan and can't stop telling him, "I want you to fuck me now!". He has tried but she doesn't get it so after she won't play dead for him like he wishes, he just grabs the ends of the stocking and pulls the ends tight as he detaches himself from her. She doesn't really understand what is happening until it's too late and he is behind her with the stocking ends wrapped around his fists and pulling tight so she can't get air. As she kicks and grasps at the stocking, he just pulls harder keeping his eye on the prize which is to necro fuck her fresh warm, twitching corpse. He sees her kick her legs and her painted, sexy toes straighten out, spread, and go limp after a long strangle. She is so intense and face red as her hair flowing on her head. He even goes a bit longer to make sure she is dead, digging the stocking in deep as she tries to mouth some air, but none is to be had. Now that she is dead, and her last twitches are vibrating, he looks down moving the stocking aside to see the lines the stocking dug into her freckled and fair neck. He moves her to a good position and is already hard as a rock so he goes right in after a little kissing and pussy licking. He gets on his knees and fucks her warm corpse, harder and faster, watching his dick go in and out of her mound as he builds up for a climax. He rams her hard and fast pumping her as he breathes heavy, not having to shush her or tell her to stay dead, she is one hundred percent dead and the thought of it make him pull out and cum all over her red bush. He finishes getting the cum out and then gets up to get dressed for work again, knowing that it was just a long lunch and he could come back after work for round two. As he gets dressed, her dead body is panned and viewed from all angles and after he leaves a bit more in peace and quiet. If she would have just stayed dead for him, he could have enjoyed her so many more times. Well, time to find another one.

Great acting and HOT BJ, SEX, AND CUM SHOT! Ana Molly is a hot one! It is nice to see natural beauty and natural looks. Thanks! CB

Run Time: 27:30 minutes
File Size: 1250 MB 	Format: .MP4

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