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    Crime House - HITCHHICKERS

    Clip Description


    Starring: Nancy, Pola and Charlie

    Strangulation in the car and great Hanging scene in the forest!

    Beautiful road horror movie!

    Fetish elements:

    Strangulation in the car, legs jerking, death stare, tongue out, trying to escape, forced to stropped for full nude, hanging on the tree (full nude!), carrying, putting bodies to the car trunk


    Pola and Nancy are hitch-hitchers. They are walking by the country road searching for a car to travel to the town. They saw an ad where the robber was wanted. Regard was 50 000$.

    Once, a car is moving. They are happy. A man agrees to hitch up them to the town. When they are inside the car, the driver suggests them sex for money. They see his face – he is the robber from the ad! They blackmail him and asks for money or they call cops.

    He stops the car and starts to strangle Pola. Nancy escapes from the car and runs to the field and then to the forest. The robber slowly strangles Pola to her death and runs for another girl.

    He seeks her in the forest. She realizes she is in the deadly trap and starts to strip for full nude to make the man kind to her. She suggests him to fuck but it’s too late. He hangs her in the tree.

    He carries dead nude bodies to the car trunk…

    If you like this movie please check out

    Agent strangled in her car

    Businesslady strangled in her car

    House of 8 corpses (part 2)

    Handcuffed and hanged

    All our hanging clips

    Clip Duration:      14 minutes
    Format Size
    mp4700.11 MB

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    Crime House - HITCHHICKERS

    Crime House - HITCHHICKERS

    Crime House - HITCHHICKERS

    Crime House - HITCHHICKERS

    Crime House - HITCHHICKERS

    Crime House - HITCHHICKERS
    Customers who bought this Video also purchased:



Starring: Tory (Vika) and Kit

Fetish elements:

Forced to strip

Going to the noose

Crying before being hanged

Hanging in different angles (in the full weight, from behind, in front of, on the side)

Tied hands

Twitching hands and fingers

Carrying from the noose to the cart




Young girl was kidnapped at home. Killer hanged her…


If you like this clip please don’t miss








    MACHINE GUNNED 6 Fill Clip - 1 hour!
About 180 death scenes!
4 actresses!
Spies, Gangsters & Soldiers - 3 girls in a series of sketches where they portray spies, gangsters, and army chicks.

Scene 1 – Mary sneaks in to steal some papers.  Guards Hass and Tora catch her and as she surrenders they have her face the wall and frisk her, then machine gun her.  She slides down the wall onto the floor and her dead body twitches for several seconds before Hass riddles her some more.  As Hass and Tora stand over the dead body, the cameraman mows both of them down and they fall into a body pile.

Scene 2 – This time Mary makes a run for it and is machine gunned down by the guards.  Her body twitches so Tora stands over her and riddles her over and over again (overkill).  As she finishes, the cameraman mows her and Hass down who fall into a body pile on top of Mary.  This time Hass and Tora's bodies twitch and so the cameraman has to blast them (and hits Mary's body too) again.

Scene 3 – In this version, Mary fights back and shoots it out with Hass and Tora.  Mary hits Hass but is then mowed down by Tora.   Tora really blasts her so she goes down dead.  Hass's body twitches a bit so Tora finishes her off.  Tora drags Mary's body on top of Hass's, then riddles the bodies.  As she does so, the cameraman mows her down (in the back) and she falls onto the body pile as the cameraman continues to fire, which makes all of the bodies shake.

Scene 4 – Mary the spy is caught between the two guards, as they prepare to fire, she suddenly drops down and Hass and Tora accidentally machine gun each other.  Both bodies twitch so Mary riddles them some more, one at a time.  She blasts Hass so that her body rolls across the floor forming a pile with Tora.  The cameraman mows down Mary who falls into the pile.  Mary's body twitches a lot so the cameraman blasts her and the pile some more.

Scene 5 – Mary again surrenders, so Hass and Tora have her face the wall.  As Hass frisks Mary, Tora machine guns them both.  It's important that they bounce around touching against each other much of the time.  As they fall, Tora keeps shooting them.  She finally stops just as the cameraman mows her down.

Scene 6 – Mary is trapped by the guards and as they close in, she raises her gun and machine guns herself to death.  The guards are surprised and a bit disappointed since they wanted to shoot her.  Tora walks over and riddles Mary's body.  Hass mows down Tora, who falls on top of Mary then riddles her body, also hitting Mary's dead body.  The cameraman then mows down Hass who also falls on the body pile.  Hass twitches quite a bit so the cameraman riddles the body, also hitting Tora and Mary's dead bodies.

Scenes 7-12, same as above with girls switching parts, and Tora being the spy.

Scenes 13-18, same as above with Hass being the spy.

Scene 19 – All 3 girls are spies and get caught by the cameraman and shoot it out, all of them going down in a hail of bullets.  The bodies twitch so the cameraman riddles them.

Scene 20 – All 3 girls are spies and this time when caught, they surrender.  The cameraman has them face the wall and then machine guns them in the back.  They fall into a twitching heap, which the cameraman riddles some more.  Mary's body still twitches a little bit so she is blasted one more time, but some of the bullets also hit the other bodies.

Scene 1 – Hass and Tora are sitting playing cards when Mary comes in.  They both stand and raise their hands but Mary mows them both down.  Hass twitches so Mary shoots her some more.  The cameraman then blasts Mary who falls across the bodies forming a pile.  Cameraman riddles body pile.

Scene 2 – Mary and Hass playing cards when Tora comes in.  She makes them stand facing the wall, then executes them by machine gunning them in the back.  They fall in a pile.  Cameraman then mows down Tora.  Mary's body twitches so the cameraman riddles the pile.

Scene 3 – Tora and Mary are playing cards when Hass comes in.  Without even standing, Mary goes for her gun and Hass mows her down.  Distracted by mowing down Mary, Hass is then mowed down by Tora, falling on top of Mary.  Tora is pretty happy at coming out alive, but then the cameraman mows her down and she falls on top of the pile.  She twitches so the cameraman riddles the pile.

Scene 4 – All girls a playing cards, when cameraman makes them face the wall and executes them, and the fall into a pile.  They all twitch so she shoots them some more.

Scene 5 – Mary machine guns Tora and is captured by Hass.  Mary is taken to wall and is machine gunned (executed.)  After the shooting stops she falls and her body twitches a bit so another burst is given.  After that the body is still.  Cameraman then machine guns Hass.

Scene 6 – Tora machine guns Hass and is captured by Mary.  Tora is taken to wall and is machine gunned (executed).  After the shooting stops she falls and her body twitches a bit so another burst is given.  After that the body is still.  Cameraman then machine guns Mary.

Scene 7 – Hass machine guns Mary and is captured by Tora.  Hass is taken to wall and is machine gunned (executed).  After the shooting stops she falls and her body twitches a bit so another burst is given.  After that the body is still.  Cameraman then machine guns Tora.

Scene 8 – All 3 girls are executed one after the other.  The bodies falling to a pile.  Mary gets it first,  then Hass, and finally Tora gets it.  The girls are brought in one at a time, mowed down, and the bodies left to pile together.

Scene 9 – As Hass is getting machine gunned by the cameraman, Mary pushes Tora onto the line of fire, causing her to be machine gunned also.  As she steps closer to get a better look at the shaking bodies, she gets too close and steps into the line of fire.  All 3 girls shake and shudder as the fall into a body pile.

Scene 10 – Mary is about to execute Tora when Hass bursts into the room and machine guns Mary.  Although mortally wounded, as Mary starts to go down she manages to machine gun.  Hass blasts Mary again and Mary dies falling into a heap on top of Hass.  Her dead body convulses in death.  Tora walks over and riddles the bodies, and is then machine gunned by the cameraman.

Forearms - I'd like each scene to be one continuous take with no stops or edits.

Scene 1 – Mary shows her arms and the camera lighting makes the hair glisten.   Suddenly the cameraman machine guns her and dies face down, arms extended.  She can even take off one glove and tug at her arm hair, as long as both gloves are back on when the machine gunning occurs.

Scene 2 - Tora shows her arms and the camera lighting makes the hair glisten.   Suddenly the cameraman machine guns her and dies face down, arms extended.  She can even take off one glove and tug at her arm hair, as long as both gloves are back on when the machine gunning occurs.

Scene 3 - Hass shows her arms and the camera lighting makes the hair glisten.   Suddenly the cameraman machine guns her and dies face down, arms extended.  She can even take off one glove and tug at her arm hair, as long as both gloves are back on when the machine gunning occurs.

Scene 4 – Tora machine guns Mary.  She then takes off one glove and plays with Mary's arm hair.  She puts the glove back on and is then machine gunned by Hass.  Hass then takes off one glove and checks out Tora's arm hair.  She puts her glove back on and is machine gunned by the cameraman.  

Scene 5 – Tora and Mary machine gun Hass.  They then take off one glove and check out Hass's arm hair.  They then check out each other's arms as well as their own arms.  Next they put their gloves back on and promptly shoot each other to death.  The camera gets a nice view of all of their arms.  They twitch a little so the cameraman then riddles the bodies.

Scene 1 – All 3 girls attack the cameraman.  The scene is viewed strictly from the cameraman's point of view.  They hide, duck, crawl but eventually, one by one the girls are all mowed down.

Scene 2-3 – Same as Scene 1, but with some variation.

Scene 4 – Tora and Hass attack Mary.  Hass goes down and Tora uses her body to block the bullets.  As Mary shoots at Tora, the bullets hit Hass's body, which jerks to the impact.  Eventually, Tora makes a break for it and manages to mow down Mary.  The cameraman then mows down Tora.

Scene 5 – Same with Hass and Mary attacking Tora.

Scene 6 – Same with Mary and Tora attacking Hass.

Scene 7 – All three girls are huddled together setting an ambush for the cameraman.  But the cameraman is behind then and she sneaks up on them and machine guns them in the back.  They fall into a body pile and twitch, somewhat excessively, so the cameraman riddles the pile.

Scene 8 – Mary and Hass are walking towards the camera.  Tora is a few steps behind them.  Suddenly Tora opens fire mowing them both down.   They shake and bounce together and fall in a pile.  Tora stands over the pile and riddles it, but is then mowed down by the cameraman, falling into the pile herself.  She twitches so the cameraman riddles the pile.

Scene 9 – Same as above with Hass mowing down Tora and Mary.

Scene 10 – Same as above with Mary mowing down Hass and Tora.

Final Scene.
All girls walk toward the camera, smile and say something nice and are then promptly mowed down by the cameraman.  They twitch and are riddled some more.  First is Hass,  then Tora, and finally Mary.  At the end they are in a body pile.  Lots of lingering forearm close-ups before cameraman riddles the bodies.

•	Gloves in every death scene
•	Everyone dies in every scene
•	Plenty of forearm closeups of both living and dead
•	Lots of shaking, pained expressions, and (moans, groans, grunts, aarrrgghhhh type stuff)
•	Obvious, sometimes excessive dead body twitching
•	Mix of eyes open/eyes closed death stares
•	Lots of in the back shooting
•	Lots of face down final positions
•	Legs and Bellies and Arms
•	Body piles

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