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    Most Recent Crime House Videos! more
    10 minutes

      CAPTIVES 3 - Starring: Elina, Judy, Annabelle, Nata, Kit

The four girls are already lined up against the wall. The first, second and fourth are holding there courage. The third girl is crying and the second girl has her arm around her, comforting her.

Executioner (to girl 1): Step forward. (she does this. He raises his gun and points it at her. She is struggling to hold her courage) Have you anything to say?


Girl 1: I am innocent. I will die knowing that. 


(Executioner fires. Girl 3 screams. Girl 1 grunts with pain, clutches her left breast with both hands and falls. She spasms on the floor, coughs up blood and dies. Executioner gestures to girl 2 to step forward. Girl 3 won't let her go.)

Girl 2: It's okay. You must be brave. It won't hurt much. 

(She disengages herself gently from girl 3, clasping her hand one last time. Then she steps forward, holding her head high)

Executioner: Have you anything to say?

(Girl 2 shakes her head. Executioner fires at her left breast. Girl 3 grunts and staggers backwards, her face struggling to hide the pain. Then she falls to her knees, then sideways, landing on her back with her head on the stomach of girl 1. She looks at girl 3 and tries to smile.)


Girl 2: See, it didn't hurt much. 

(She coughs up a little blood and dies. Executioner turns to girl 3).

Executioner: Stand forward. 

(But girl 3 is paralysed with fear. Executioner grabs her arm and pulls her forward. She screams. Executioner shoots her in the left breast, letting go of her arm at the same time. She screams again, clutching her breast, then falls to her knees, looking up at Executioner with an expression mixed of pain, fear and disbelief. Then she coughs a little blood and falls forward, her upper body resting on girl 2's lower body. Executioner turns to girl 4, pointing the gun.)

Executioner: Have you anything to say?

Girl 4: Yes. Fuck you. 

Executioner: Fuck you too.


(This time he aims a little lower, shooting her in the upper belly. She screams, clutching the wound with both hands as she too falls to her knees.)

Girl 4: You fucking prick.

 (She falls over onto the body pile, clutching the wound and moaning in pain. Then she finally coughs up blood and dies)

 The camera can pan over the body pile. The bodies laid out side by side, the upper parts of the swimsuits pulled down to show the girls' breasts and bullet wounds  CAPTIVE AND KILLER
    11 minutes




Scene 1.  Girl Nº 1 is lying on a table that is in the middle of a living room. She is unconscious and she is wearing a black sleeveless undershirt with a low revealing cleavage. She is breathing and we can see the rise and fall of her bossom. She slowly regains conciousness and she looks around confused ignoring where she is.

Scene 2. She stands up and seeing around goes straigth to a door and tries to open it, but when she grabs the knob, an electric charge shakes her violently. She feels the forceful shock and she loses conciousness again falling to her knees and then resting on her right side.

Scene 3. The door opens and Girl Nº 2 gets into the room. She watches the inner body of Girl Nº 1 and smiles. She kneels beside the girl and turns her body face up, then raises her undershirt revealing her breasts. She caresses the right breast closing her eyes as she does it and humming with pleasure.

Scene 4. Girl Nº 2 unbuttons her shirt and we can see she is not wearing underwear.  She caresses her breast at the same time she continues caressing the breast of the unconscious girl, who at this point starts recovering.

Scene 5. Girl Nº 2 covers the girl Nº 1 breasts with her black undershirt and stands up producing a gun she has in the back of her skirt.

Scene 6. Girl Nº 1 opens her eyes and sees the other girl that now is aiming at her with the gun. She sits on the floor and asks:  -Who are you? Where am I? Girl Nº 2 indicates with the gun to girl Nº 1 to stand up. She does it. Now both girls are facing each other.

Scene 7. Girl Nº 2 aims directly to girl Nº 1 chest and says: - I’m your executioner and this is the place where you are going to die. She is about to fire but girl Nº 1 attacks her and both girls fight and struggle. The gun is between both of them and suddenly we hear a shot.

Scene 8. Both girls stand still watching their faces. They separate and we can see blood under girl Nº 2 left breast. Girl Nº 1 pushes girl Nº 2 away and runs to the door, but remembering the electric charge she stops.

Scene 9. Girl Nº 2 fires her gun hitting girl Nº 1 in the back. She screams and slowly turns around. She is breathing heavily and stares at girl Nº 2 with hate. Girl Nº 2 fires twice and hits girl Nº 1 on her left breast, she moves backward holding her chest with her left hand then she falls on the floor and after an agonizing jerk she dies.

Scene 10. Girl Nº 2 watches the lifeless body of girl Nº 1 and slowly walks towards her but she is fatally wounded so she falls to her knees, she releases her gun and reaches for girl Nº 1’s breast, she touches it and then she coughs and falls face up on the floor with blood coming out of her mouth and dying with her eyes open.
    19 minutes



Cast: Mira Green, Bella Lenina, Alex


Mira has a secret lover, she found him on a chat site; she has been texting him ever since. He is her first boyfriend; she has decided he will become a lover.

She has arranged to meet him at her best friend’s apartment, she has the key to look after the place… while her friend is out of town visiting family; its going to be a ‘blast’!

Mira doesn’t know it yet but, she is in danger; Her father has left town because he owes money to the wrong people… people you don’t mess with. They can’t find her father but, they know where his precious little girl is… and they are going to send him a message. They have assigned a contract to Alex and he has set up his profile to get her interested in meeting. She has taken the bait, now he can enjoy his work.

Mira arrives at the apartment after college and heads for the guest room she has been using. She plans to change into something she has bought; something more appealing, more mature, more… ‘sexy’. She tries a few things against her in the mirror, she is still wearing her white socks, short pleated skirt and a tight top hanging over her cupped breasts which force her cropped top to hang out leaving a gap between her smooth body and the cotton material; the under frame of her brassier seductively teases under the hanging top and her waistband, designed to press her breasts up. Her cleavage teases out of the top of the limited material. A small pair of white cotton panties are visible every time she swings her petite body or bends to choose a new outfit. 

She is checking herself out in the long mirror deciding on what looks best against her; she slides her skirt up just to show off a little more leg; she loves herself.

Suddenly, there is a knock at the door, Mira knows its him… he is early; she quickly throws her try on clothes to one side and straightens the bed. She walks nervously to the door and looks through the spy hole. She is excited and decides she will act real sexy, let him see what she has and what she can do for him. She wants him in her bed.

Alex enters the apartment and offers her the single rose her has brought her. Mira turns excitedly, unsure what to do; she goes off camera to set the rose in a vase.

Alex looks around while she is gone, removing his coat and quickly drawing the handgun from his pocket to hide it where he can get it fast. He places its suppressor next to it, he will need them later but wants to enjoy the moment, the night is young.

Mira returns she has a bottle with her and two glasses; she pours the drink and the two begin to get close. They hook arms as they drink the wine and Mira turns away allowing Alex to slip his hands up and down her body as she enjoys his caress.

They move to the bed, Alex begins to enjoy his evening, his hands are everywhere, sliding her skirt up and raising her top to reveal her underwear. They move to the bed.

The scene shows Mira’s face in ecstasy as the assassin slowly slides down her body kissing each part of her naked flesh as he grips her legs. Mira is entangled in a sheet as she writhes arches and groans as we see the assassin, his head now between her legs hidden under the sheet. We see her panties sliding down her calf in the assassin’s hand and the scene ends with the assassin pumping himself against her as she moves sexily beneath him.

Some time goes by and we see Bella Lenina heading up the stairs to the apartment. She searches for her keys, her coat hides her tight lycra pants that cling to every centimetre of her legs ass and groin. She has heeled ankle length boots complimenting the shape of her legs and a light buttoned up blouse tight against her pert breasts. She enters the apartment throwing her keys on the table and drops her coat to the couch as she moves into the living room unaware the apartment is occupied.

Bella heads to the shower and begins to undress, she sits stretches and slouches for a few seconds, glad to be home. She drags off her boots and stands to slowly and sexily slipping her pants down her legs before unbuttoning her tight top and standing in just her open shirt, brassier and panties to head for the shower. We see her grab a towel and head for the shower. (I am happy with or without a shower scene).

The next scene opens with the assassin now aware that someone has entered the apartment. He quickly slips his pants and shirt on and checks Mira who is still soundly asleep totally satisfied and exhausted. She is lying across the bed her skirt still wrapped around her waist showing her bare ass, her top is folded above her bare breasts, her brassier discarded on the floor. The assassin slowly opens the door and sees Bella’s clothes lying on the couch. He knows he will have to silence a witness before he kills Mira and slips back into the room to retrieve his weapon silently closing the door behind him, slowly, quietly screwing his suppressor to his weapon. He can hear the shower and prepares patiently for his first victim.

We see Bella slipping on her nightdress, a plain light coloured thin shoulder strapped, cotton style, short and sexy. She slips on a clean pair of panties and hangs her towel to dry before leaving the bathroom. She is unaware of the intruder now watching her every move. Suddenly she is grabbed by the neck as she is slammed against the wall. The assassin presses his supressed pistol against her chest, pressing her breast upwards up with the muzzle. In shock she raises her hands in surrender whimpering, too afraid to make a sound that may anger the intruder. He releases his grip on her neck a place’s his finger to her lips and she nods her head in agreement. He withdraws his weapon as he slowly steps back placing his finger on his own lips to confirm his demand.

He beckons her to the table, indicating to her with his weapon that she should sit opposite him at the table; she reluctantly obeys. He lowers his weapon under the table still pointing at her belly. She sits obediently and waits for him to tell her why he is there.

Bella speaks:

“I have no money please don’t hurt me”

The assassin readies his weapon under the table and answers

“I am so sorry”

Bella begins her question but is unable to complete it… a single supressed shot finds her belly as she speaks.

“What do you w…” Bella jolts violently, her words cut off in mid flow; she moans lightly and looks down at the hole in her nightdress. She presses her hand against the crimson patch and looks confused at the blood in her hand. Bella looks up at the assassin who is now getting out of his seat; she sees the weapon and looks down again at her wound realizing what he has done. The assassin points and shoots hitting her just below her breast. Bella grunts her disapproval jolting and kicking in her chair. Her head drops back with an empty dead stare, her mouth wide open; she dies arched over the chair. The assassin moves toward her dead body as she begins to slide from the chair, he catches her and gently lowers her to the floor.

He admires her body, revealing her breasts then, rolling her over and lifting her nightdress to enjoy the view of her ass and groin as he inspects his work. He checks for a pulse, spreads her legs and fires a couple more bullets into her back, her dead body respond to the impact her ass shaking lightly from the impacts.  He leans over dragging he panties enough to reveal her buttocks, playfully squeezing then slapping her ass… It is time to wake Mira.

The assassin quietly opens the door and places his weapon down to get his boots on. He watches as Mira stirs, he sits on a chair near the door contemplating how he will slowly kill her and video his work for his employers to send to her Fathers email address.

Mira wakes, a content smile fills her face as she slowly raises and begins to tidy her clothes. She collects her panties from the floor and replaces them and pulls up a sock. She sits on the bed and purposefully acts sexy sliding her legs apart inviting her new lover to contemplate a second round, her breasts ooze from under her top, she slowly wraps them in her grip with her cotton crop top tantalizing the assassin her every move turning him on.

Alex picks up his weapon and Mira’s face changes in an instant. She straightens up and takes a deep breath in fear; she knows her Father has enemies and she knows she has just fucked one of them…

“Oh God… NO No n…”

The assassin fires without hesitation, Mira grunts a final “No” grabbing her belly wound and doubling up. She rolls over the bed onto her stomach and the assassin puts a second bullet in her side as she turns. Mira cries out and slides slowly off the bed tucking her legs into her chest in agony. The assassin switches on his phone camera and cocks his pistol. Mira kicks out and arches away grabbing at the wound as she gasps for breath. Her face is contorted with pain as she rolls onto her back. The assassin continues to film her as her body arches off the floor, her legs bent and open her groin pushed up in the assassins full view before sinking to the floor; she moans slowly. He kicks her legs apart points and fires two deliberate shots just above her stomach, Mira jolts momentarily and drops; her legs kick lightly even as she dies the assassin puts her out of her misery with a single shot in her left breast.

(Mira has a great death stare, eye half open and mouth open showing teeth)

He checks her pulse, throws his weapon on the bed and begins to enjoy rolling her body to check the small bullet perforations; plays with her breasts slapping her ass playfully as her begins to strip her body. We see the assassin throw her body on the bed and exit the room to retrieve Bella’s body.

We see the assassin throw Bella on the bed and begins to strip her. Both girl’s bodies lie arched over the bed with their panties partially down just covering their ‘dignity’; their legs hang off the bed. We see the assassin push both girl’s legs apart and he turns towards camera (Camera looking from other room, through the door) and slowly closes the bedroom door as he turns beginning to unzip his pants.  BLACK CRANE part 2
    18 minutes

Custom Movie
Dangerous Cruel Female Killer Has a new liquidation mission
Clip consists:
Pry how a woman-victim having a shower
Sudden Attack From Behind
Stabbing to the head with empty syringe
Terrible fear and long horror death
Death stare
Much playing with nude dead wet body
Much limp fetish
Much foot fetish
Son finds dead mother and panics
                The prelude: As the Black Crane sat on her hotel bed waiting for the envelope with the info of her newest target. She was enjoying some strawberries dipped in chocolate with her sharp knife while watching a gory horror flick. She hears a knock on the door and a white envelope with a black crane on it is slipped through underneath the door. Inside was the info of her newest target: 
Target Name: Maryanne Sevesto 
Age: 50 
Work Details: She is a lawyer 
Home address: 28 Falcon St. 
Coltanier City 
Family Status: She is a widow. A mother of one.
Child Name: Timmy Sevesto 
Age: 22 
Orders: You were hired for this assignment because of your reputation in the underworld. The client wants this target to be taken out because she is a lawyer that is in the pocket of the Reaperaro mob family. They dont follow the city's laws. They bring in illegal drugs into the city. That is among many things that they are involved in. Maryanne helps them stay out of jail. Take your target out by any kill method you choose. Kill any witnesses if they are above the age of 18. Notify the "Tidy Up Service" to help tidy things up after you have taken out your target. 

The Black Crane looked over every detail about Maryanne. Maryanne was the first 50-year-old woman that the Black Crane had to take out. She was curious to see if that woman had sexy feet and legs even for her age. 

Maryanne was a sweet mom. However she was a shady lawyer. Bad karma caught up to her.The Black Crane learned that Maryanne liked to jog on her day off from work. She liked to jog in jogging tights and a pink shirt. It helped her still feel young and attractive. Even at her age. The Black Crane was only interested in what was below Maryanne’s vagina basically. She cared less about who she was. 

That fateful Sunday came. Around noon time the horror struck at her house. Her son Timmy was out doing some errands. Maryanne came in from her Sunday jog and went into her bathroom to take a quick shower. She stripped out of her clothes and turned on some classic music. She then gets into the shower and while she was in the shower. She decided to pleasure herself by sticking her fingers in her wet vagina. She thought about the men or women viewing her as she jogged. She felt comfortable with her elegant beauty. As she was in the shower, the Black Crane broke in quietly. She had on her black dress with black pantyhose and black heels. She got out of the shower and continued to listen to her classical music as she finished freshening up at the bathroom sink. When she spits out the mouthwash and put her head up, the Black Crane was behind her! She let out a loud scream and tried to run but didn’t get away. The Black Crane quickly grabbed her. Put her hand over her mouth to muffle out the screams. Tears dripped down her face. The Black Crane took out a syringe and stuck it into her right temple injecting the air into her eye socket. Maryanne’s screams ceased as she convulsed very briefly and then went limp. She let Maryanne’s body drop to the floor like she was nothing. The Black Crane dragged her body to her bed and dropped her face down onto the bed. She undressed and rubbed the soles of Maryanne’s dead feet. She flipped her over and rubbed up and down Maryanne’s legs and feet. She rubbed Maryanne’s dead feet on her pussy. Her dead and feet gave her an orgasm. She covered Maryanne’s body with a sheet and called the maid and left. Timmy came home from doing his errands. "The Tidy Up Service have already left. The Black Crane was long gone. When he walked into the kitchen he fainted from the horrible sight! His mother was sitting at the kitchen table. She was wearing just her white pantyhose. A tan pair of pantyhose wrapped around throat. "The Tidy Up Service  made it look like she was strangled and left like that by an unknown strangler
    11 minutes




Nadya and Maria A

Yearning for hair, strangulation by feet, fisticuffs, women's fights, screaming, biting, kicking, choking with hands, neck break, neck snap, death


A wife goes to her husband’s office to punish his lover and secretary. Great catfighting starts and ends with a death




    10 minutes

      BATTLE IN SEXY BOOTS - Starring: Yana and Maria A
Fetish Elements:
Fighting Girl VS Girl, Belly Punching, Garrote Strangulation, Death, Body Sexy Examination
Leather Clothes, Boots, Stockings, Jeans
A young sexy female spy in jeans, leather jacket and sexy leather  boots  enters a room with laptop with secret information. But a sexy female guard checks this room our and attacks weapon-free spy! After a fight,  the guard takes a garrote and strangles a spy to the death!
If you like thic clip please check out:
Deadly Fight
Fight Club
    12 minutes


TAGS: Unholly Polly. Plastic Bag
Thank you Ugine! The movie is wonderful, I am absolutely thrilled. The whole process of doing a custom with you has been a pleasure. Your casting choice was perfect. I had a desire to create a film with a strong noir-erotic atmosphere, and an artistic style. You achieved that brilliantly. Everything from wardrobe, to setting, to stylish noir camera angles was done with class. It is truly superb. I will look forward to doing more customs with you, and I will give your work my highest recommendation.
Review of customer

Polly was a one of betrayals of dangerous Italian mafia syndicate. All other people who testified in court were killed by plastic bag (trademark of reprisals from the clutches of this group) but Polly managed to find a safe hiding place where no one would find her. Using an anonymous access to the network, she teases the mafia boss online, but does not know that no one can hide from the tentacles of this octopus, and the sent killer is already walking behind her with a plastic bag...  BDSM GAMES PART 3
    18 minutes


This film is an erotic thriller, the most erotic, explicit and sexy film our film company has ever made.

This part includes the denouement of the story, in which the protagonist has gone too far in revealing his shadowy subpersonality and commits a double murder. His girlfriend, who has bent the protagonist's spouse into revealing BDSM practices, this time turns the husband against his wife, intimidating him that his spouse can sue him for injuries, ruin his reputation and put him behind bars. The protagonist has a final solemn BDSM session (tying her to a cross, beating her, hitting her chest and stomach, flogging her, using a whip, shooting her with a toy crossbow), and later swaps the toy crossbow for a real one and kills his wife with real arrows shot through her chest and body. He later massacres their mutual friend.








ARCHER (Any Part)

    54 minutes



Starring: Tatiana, Max, Annabelle, Achilles, Tim



This film is an erotic thriller, the most erotic, explicit and sexy film our film company has ever made.

This part is dedicated to the height of BDSM relationships and contains a huge amount of sexual practices, which are filmed as frankly as possible by our professional actors:

Beatings, chest blows (a huge variety!), stomach blows, body blows, binding, submission, strangulation, wrapping, death play, death fetish, drowning, being carried in a boot, being dragged on hands, cross-dressing, hanging on legs, breath games, control and many others.





    30 minutes



Starring: Tatiana, Max, Annabelle, Achilles, Tim

This film is an erotic thriller, the most erotic, explicit and sexy film our film company has ever made.

A young married couple is going through a relationship crisis and they want to save their marriage through BDSM practices.

In the first part we are introduced to the characters, and watch the beginning of the BDSM story: slapping, humiliation, bullying, submission, strangulation, chest beating, erotic dreams with murder.

    Random Crime House Clips more
     1920s Sdc
    10 minutes
      1920s Sdc - SHOT DEAD COCKTAIL 1920s

Shooting scenes set in Great Gatsby style.  USA 1920s.

Two ladies (rich young wife and her friend  - golf-player) are shot many times by gun.

Fetish elements
Elegant retro dress, black gloves, white gloves, retro-location, shooting several times to the chest, sitting pose deaths, falls to back, falls bottom up, short shorts, black stockings, bare legs, high heels, sport shoes.  LAST HORROR FILM
    10 minutes



«Just watched the film now, and it was a very good one  Well done! 

The girls looked very nice in the pretty, white blouses. The amount of blood was perfect  And the performance of the girls was very good as well 
It was definately well worth the wait». 

From  Customer’s Review 
Very Bloody Stabbing, Professionaly Acting, Scream, Fear, Horror, Stabbing, Death Stare, Agony, Office Outfit, White Blouse, Secretary, BodyPile

Two young beauties are sitting in the living room. They are taking about an upcoming horror movie they have been hearing about. 

The first girl, Maria, is very excited about the movie, she is a big fan of horror movies. The other girl, Lena, is not quite that enthusiastic, she is a little more concerned. 

After a little while, Lena gets up, and goes to the kitchen to get something to drink and some snacks. 
When she returns, she puts the drink and snacks on the living room table.
Suddenly, the girls hear something, and Maria gets up from the sofa and goes to investigate. She looks around the room, but finds nothing unusual. 
As Maria returns to Lena, a killer sneaks up behind her. 
Maria says: Don't worry, Lena. There was nothing. Maybe it was just a... 
She was not able to complete the sentence as the killer stabbed her in the back, driving the knife straight through the young girl, the bladet coming out between her breasts. Maria gives out a gasp and a cry of pain as the sharp blade rips through her chest. 
She looks down in shock and disbelief, her clothes are starting to turn red from the blood, which is also dripping from the knife. The killer pulls the knife out, as Maria  gives another gasping cry. 
Maria grabs the bleeding wound with both hands, as to try stopping the Flow of blood. Her heart is beating hard from the terror, causing more blood to flow between her fingers. 

The killer knows that Maria is not going anywhere by now, so he turns his attention to the terrified Lena. 
He grabs her from the sofa, pulls her up. He then drives the knife through her chest, between her breasts. Lena gasps and cries in pain and terror.
 The killer pulls out the knife again. Then he stabs her another time in the chest, opposite side of her heart, penetrating her lung. 
Rapidly losing blood, Lena gets more trouble breathing, and getting weaker. 
The killer stabs the poor girl in the chest again, this time just missing her heart, Lena gasping and crying. He thrusts the blade all the way in. 
Then he pulls it back out. Lena is now having trouble standing up, so he holds her up while stabbing her right through her desperately hammering heart. She gasps and slowly sinks to the floor, finally coming to the rest face up, knife still in her heart. Her beautiful clothes are soaked in blood. 

In the mean time, the badly wounded Maria, has been watching in terror how her best friend is brutally murdered. Then the killer turns back to Maria. 
He pulls out another knife, and approaches the bleeding girl. 
Maria gasps and cries as the knife rips through her chest, just missing her heart, but penetrating her lung. 
Her breathing quickly gets harder, and she loses blood. 
The killer pulls out the blade, and watches the dying girl. He stabs her again, right through her heart. 
Maria gasps in pain again as the shsrp blade cuts through her heart. The killer lets go of her, and she stumbles back a couple of steps, before the loss of blood and pierced heart finally takes it's toll, bringing her to her knees, and then she finally sinks to the floor, coming to rest face up, knife still in her heart. 

The killer takes a look at both Girls, then he he kneels down by Maria, pulls out the knife, before stabbing her twice in the chest, making sure she is dead. Then he does the same thing with Lena. 

Then he leaves his two young, beautiful victims as a big pool of blood spreads out on the floor under both girls. 

The End 

    12 minutes


*Clip has a bonus!*

Starring: Annabelle,

Fetish Elements

Pantyhose, Business Sexy Clothes, Mini Skirt, Shoes, Garroting, Strangulation, Agony, Holding legs, Sexual Touching during strangulation, relatives, sister kills sister, husband kills wife

Anna is a successful young woman. She has a husband and sister. She is the owner of a network of beauty salons and shops, and her husband works as her deputy.

She loves her relatives who live at her expense. But while she was working in the office, her husband was sleeping with her sister! The sister persuaded her husband to kill Anna in the name of their love and money.

After another sex, the couple waited for Anna home. An unsuspecting woman is happy to see her loved ones. My sister said that she had a surprise and asked Anna to close her eyes. The trusting woman sat down on a chair, closed her eyes, expecting a present from close people, but instead got a nuzzle on her neck.

Her face depicts a beautiful shock reaction during a sudden strangulation - an excellent game! As her sister strangles her from behind, the husband holds her by the legs and rubs her body in lustful frenzy. He holds her by the throat, tears her pantyhose and paws her sister like a lascivious beast.

Anna is betrayed by her husband. Anna is betrayed by her sister. Her family back turned out to be her cynical killers, who hated her and now enjoy her last involuntary cries before her death.

Leaving her body with torn pantyhose, cracked, stifled expression of a dead face, with wide apart legs, the couple leaves to have sex, and then call the police and say that the robbers burst into their house and killed their beloved Anna ...

If you like this clip please check out

    15 minutes
Fetish elements:
Knocking out
Shooting to the belly with long agony
Girl knocks out man
Girl strangles man
Man stabs girl with very long agony
Body Carrying
Death Stares


It’s modern Amazon Club.  Two amazons know that Assassin must come to their hotel room where they stayed to kill them. They are ready to deadly fight but looses it…

If you like this movie please check out
    13 minutes

«I’ll start with the very best . Mira was awesome . She looked great before , during and after her demise . After seeing the Policewoman video , I thought she’d be great in this role and I wasn’t disappointed . Everything about her acting was perfect from her body movements and reactions to her facial expressions to her cries of “nyet , nyet” . She took the role seriously and put all the energy , emotion and realism I was hoping for into the scene . Thank You Mira for doing such a great job»
From Customer’s Review 

Mira lives in house in a secluded location in the woods , miles away from any neighbors . As the scene opens she could be doing any number of things that you choose . She could be cooking , reading , watching tv , whatever you like .  She hears a knocking sound that distracts her , then a few seconds later the sound of a window breaking . Being alone and not having a gun in the house , she grabs a small knife from the kitchen and goes to investigate . She has an extremely spooked look on her face . She looks around nervously for a minute calling out “I’ve got a gun” and a few seconds later “my husband’s a cop , he’ll be home soon” . She hears a movement in another room and calls out “who’s there” . She enters the room but sees no one . She continues walking forward with the camera looking straight at her as we see Max emerge from behind her . Mira doesn’t see him as Max gets closer . She is carrying the knife in her right hand and Max swings his arm and knocks the knife to the floor . She turns around in terror and faces Max ( the camera now faces Mira after she turns around ) and before she knows what happened Max belts her in the face knocking her backwards and then he picks up the knife  . There is some blood coming from her mouth where Max punched her . She backpedals and screams in terror as Max comes at her with the knife in his hand . She looks for a way out but there is nowhere to go . She extends her right arm to try to stop Max’s advance , but with his left hand , grabs her just above the elbow . With the knife in his right hand Max stabs her in the belly . Mira reacts with a jump and a scream . Max continues to stab her relentlessly , both to the belly and the chest . He doesn’t stab her too quickly though . About 4-6 seconds between each thrust into her body would be fine . ( Remember I said I enjoyed her reactions in the Policewoman video . Look at the pictures I’ve attached titled Police 1-5 . I’d like to see reactions and facial expressions similar to these with lots of body movement , her hair flying and her grunting and screaming as the knife is entering her . I particularly like the way her hair nicely frames her face in pictures 1 and 2 . The whole time Mira is being stabbed , the camera should be facing her . No side or back views . I want to see the reactions on her pretty face ) After the first ten or so thrusts of the knife, Max pauses for a few seconds to enjoy the view of Mira in agony. She’s bleeding from her wounds and terrified . Then he continues to stab her from the front another 10 or 15 times , both to the belly and the chest . She should begin to get bloody after the first few thrusts of the knife and by the time he is done stabbing her from the front , there should be quite a bit of blood on her , with some on her face and hair as well . But Max is not done with her yet . Not by a long shot .

Mira is dripping with blood and weak but still standing . Max decides to walk behind her and continue his assault from behind . ( See pictures Police 5-8 ) While continuing to hold her by the arm with his free hand , Max stabs her many times in the back . Again , I’m not interested in seeing the knife go in . The camera should be focused on Mira from the front the entire time . You can see Max raising his arm and bringing the knife forward . Each time the knife enters her back , just as before , Mira lets out a yell and her body and head react violently . After about 5 stabs in the back , Mira starts coughing up blood from her lungs being punctured . This spitting up of blood continues as Max stabs her in the back about 10 more times , once about every 5 seconds . Finally , Mira is so weak , Max cannot hold her up any more . She falls to her knees . Mira is mortally wounded but still strong enough to try to crawl away . Max is really enjoying himself and he doesn’t want the fun to end just yet . He pulls out his trusty needle and gives Mira a shot of adrenaline in her shoulder . In a few seconds , Mira is a little stronger . Just strong enough to suffer some more before she dies :) She tries to crawl away but Max knocks her down to her belly .

Mira is down on her belly , weak but feeling a little stronger from the adrenaline . Max kneels down behind her . The camera shows Mira from the front . ( See pictures Chaos
1-9 ) Here , Max goes ape shit on her and again begins stabbing her in the back . Over and over and over again . Again , I don’t need to see the knife going into Mira . Max raising it up and dropping it into her back will be fine . We don’t need to see her back at all . The camera should be on her face as in the pictures from Chaos . This is why I wanted you to use a knife with a retractable blade . Because Max is leaning on Mira , the only part of her body she can move is her head . She screams out in agony with each thrust of the knife . She throws her head back and forward and side to side , hair falling in her face . The blood is pouring out of her mouth now . There is also so much blood on her back from the repeated thrusts of the knife , that its running over her shoulders and down her chest .The only thing that’s keeping her alert is the adrenaline shot .  Sometimes , as the knife enters her back , the blood squirts up into the air and lands on her head . There is blood all over her face and in her hair . This whole assault on her back while she is lying on her belly lasts about a minute and a half . Finally , after about 90 seconds , Mira weakens and Max realizes she’s had enough . 

He rolls her over onto her back to get a good look at her face . Mira is barely alive and covered in blood . He decides to finish her off by stabbing her in the heart several times . See the picture of Luiza from the Stabbing in the Rain video . As he stabs her these final few times , Mira’s body doesn’t react as before but her eyes are open staring hopelessly at Max . She lifts her head up a bit or moves it side to side but that’s about it . After he stabs her in the chest about ten times , he realizes she’s finished . The camera scans her bloody , destroyed body as the credits roll .

    11 minutes

CAST: Bella Lenina, Max


Shooting to the breats (4 bullets), Shooting to the low belly near vagina, long death, crying, death, death stare, sexy military uniform, carrying body, stripping bopdy to full nude, touching face, legs and breats of dead girl


«Hi! I’m sorry, this morning is very busy and I just watched the movie. Great Work Ugine! It is so much better than I can imagine! Exactly what I want! Thank you! And Max and Bella are great actors!»

Customer’s Review


Bella Lenina—— brave commando girl, same clothes and appearance as Bella in GUN DEAL GONE HORRIBLY WRONG

       Male commando——normal soldier appearance, Bella’s teammate


1.  Bella and a male soldier infiltrated the rebel base together, and they successfully passed some difficulties. When they dive into the deepest part of the base, Bella needs to install bombs and blow up the base to reverse the decline of the battlefield.

2.  Just as she was about to install the bomb, the male soldier rebelled. He was actually the undercover of the rebel army. The soldier forced bella to the corner with a gun and wanted to touch Bella.

3.  Bella is a loyal and brave soldier, she wants to fight back when the man is careles. But Bella failed. When she pulled out the gun, the man fired two shots first, and accurately hit Bella’s two nipples. Bella leaned against the wall in great pain, groaning in pain, and still tried to shoot with the gun.

4.   The male soldier fired again and two bullets hit Bella's breast (between the two nipples). This time bella lost her strength and fell to the ground gradually. She groaned, and the male soldier shot her in the lower abdomen. Bella died in great pain.

5.  The male soldier dragged Bella's body to the side, took off his clothes, and stroked Bella's breasts and body (like POLICEWOMAN IN A DRUG-DEN).

6.  Finally, there is a close-up of bella's body.



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    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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