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    PKF Studios - Plumber

    Clip Description

    Plumber, The
    Time: 29:09 minutes
    Starring: Whitney Morgan
    This video features: shooting undressing teen *****

    Whitney was glad to have her older sister, Morgan, home for spring break. She enjoyed these short visits, learning all about the stuff Morgan was doing while she was away at college. In any case, thier relationship was pretty strong. Whitney, awake and full of energy plunged up the stairs, smacking an obviously tired Morgan on her ass. They bantered back and forth as sisters do, talking about boy problems and other issues. Morgan was frustrated that the water was turned off at the sink, but Whitney reminded her a plumber was coming to fix it. The girls were both alone -- their parents both worked during the day, but trusted their 18yo and 20yo to behave responsibly. For the most part, they really were good girls. Neither drank or did drugs and both were responsible with the opposite sex. A credit to their good Christian upbringing and the promise of one day becoming responsible adults that would nurture good stable families of their own someday. The doorbell rang and with a smirk, Whitney ran to answer it. It was obviously the plumber. She invited him in and knew he would be a good candidate to have a little fun with. Whitney had always been the joker of the two and probably destined to do a lot of community theater in her college years along with her other passion -- cheerleading. She was the perky type. Coffee would only slow her down. Both Whitney and Morgan watched as the plumber prepped his work area and started assessing the situation. Right away, they made fun of his plumbers pants... common among those who bend a lot in their profession. Pointing at his ass crack, Whitney quietly chucked while Morgan looked mostly embarrassed. Morgan had never shared Whitney's enthusiasm with clowning around. Whitney continued to silently torment the plumber, though without his knowledge. Eventually getting bored, she touch his shoulder, startling him into whacking his head on the cabinet. Her goal was to try to get him to think they were interested in him, but it was not working. This plumber was all business. Eventually she tried plan B; crawling up between his legs to her sister's complete embarrassment. He responded... a hot teenage girl between his legs rubbing his chest. He was a little slow not a good reader of signals, but thought this was a pretty obvious one. He leaned in to kiss her. She launched off of him in a jiffy, jumping up and down, making yuck noises. In his mind it played out much worse -- at is usually did for unstable people like himself. He quickly decided he need to go outside. The girls laughed his reaction off. Morgan stayed in the kitchen working, while Whitney went to take a shower. The plumber was planning to go right to his truck -- leaving his tools, and just go. He was embarrassed by what he had done, obviously misinterpreting their motivations. How could they want someone like him? Then, as he passed the open garage, he changed his mind. He was the victim here. He did not provoke any of this. They wanted to make him feel bad. That means they were bad girls. He did not like bad girls. These bad girls should pay for what they did to him. He rummaged through the garage, picking up various items that could possibly inflict damage. Eventually, while digging through an old tool drawer, he found a gun. A Glock to be precise. It was fully loaded. He pulled the slide back with ease. It was ready to inflict pain. He closed the garage door to help dampen the sounds. Morgan heard the garage door closing and went to the kitchen door that led out to the garage. As she reached for the door, it flew open. The plumber grabbed her neck with one hand, pushing her pack, as she started to lose her balance, he fired two point blank shots into her ribs. She fell in excruciating pain. Her body writhing, legs kicking. She tried to clutch at the wounds, ***** seeping out. In shock, she spasms; bucking, legs twisting about. He walks up to her and aims at her chest. She pleads with her eyes, but he fires coldly into her. Her body reacts intensely to the hit, bucking in the air for moments, and crashing down -- still. She is dead... staring. He observes her for a moment, then walks off to collect his thoughts. The camera spends time panning her dead body. When he returns, he removes her pants, underwear and shirt. He leans down and sucks her succulent breasts, playing with her erect nipples. When he is finished, he leaves to go find her younger sister. The camera pans her dead nude body some more. Whitney emerges from the shower, refreshed. She is toweling dry when the plumber enters. She looks up just as he fires three shots into her torso. She falls back into the bathtub, and violently spasms. She slows down quickly, the ***** spews of of her mouth, dripping down. She regains a moment of energy, a last fight to live, perhaps, and her body writhes and spasms, but then is still again. This time, there is no more movement. The plumber leans down, messaging her young supple breasts. He needed to leave -- the noise was not going to go unnoticed -- but he felt he was now even for what they did. He only hoped that the high he felt after murdering this girls was not addictive in anyway. He would find out, he thought as he walked out to collect his tools and wipe any evidence of his visit. The camera stays to slowly pan Whitney as she lies dead in the bathtub. Now these two young girls, once full of life and on the right path, are dead. Tragedy strikes suburbia once again.

    Clip Duration:      29 minutes
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    wmv328.79 MB

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    PKF Studios - Plumber

    PKF Studios - Plumber

    PKF Studios - Plumber

    PKF Studios - Plumber

    PKF Studios - Plumber
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    Poetry Club - Poetry Club
Time: 40:42 minutes
Starring: Whitney Lexxi Buttercup Lolita 
This video features: strangle_garrote undressing carrying teen bodypile multigirl strangle_hand cum_shot	

Lexxi’s punishment for mouthing off to the teacher in 3rd period English, was attend Poetry Club. The prospect of having to **** out for an hour with the nerds had her thanking the god of text messaging. 

Upon arriving, she was welcomed gleefully into the group. Katie, the nerd leader, promptly started reading her poem. Lexxi rolled her eyes during all of this pathetically cutsie crap and when they asked her to stop texting on her cell phone, she promptly blew off the group and went to find a quiet place. 

Unknown to the 4 girls, there was a killer lurking in the house, watching them. A product of a poetry club long ago, his poems so bad that he endured psychological ridicule from the others, he now quests to murder these poor, innocent girls. This will avenge his past, and perhaps be a little fun. 

Lexxi, alone in an upstairs room does not notice the brightly colored killer approaching. Wrapping the cord around her, he brings her down to the floor. She vigorously struggles, kicking and twisting, contorted face, wide eyes. The killer doe not relent, carrying his plan through until she is motionless. He throws her body off of him like a sack of potatoes and quickly begins to strip her. Whitney called for Lexxi, and he stops, ready to kill again. But Whitney heads in a different direction. So, he leaves Lexxi for later and head down to murder the next nerd bitch. 

Whitney walks into a room and the door closes behind her, locking. She looks to the only way out and stares the killer in his insane eyes. He is on her, wrapping a cord around her neck, pulling her to the floor. There is no hope for her as the cheerleader slash poetry nerd tries to buck her way out with her powerful hips. 

When she is finally dead, he spends a moment to check her out, stripping her clothes off, feeling her perky tits. These poetry nerd aren't half bad, he thought, now developing a new that is slightly more sexually driven. 

But, he has to go, he has to finish things so that there will be time to enjoy his kills. 

He hides upstairs as the next girl approaches. Playing with his prey, he makes a sound, signaling where he is hiding. Felicia, sees a pair of feet hiding behind a screen. She stupidly approaches them and he has got her. Lunging out, grabbing her throat. His adrenaline pumping. This is now something more then just avenging his past. This is lust. He lifts her up with unprecedented strength and throttles her. Her feet, almost a foot off the floor, kick and spasm as the life is quickly ********* out of her. He admires her tongue as he murders the fat and juicy, he wanted to suck it into his mouth--taste her. 

In his rage and lust, the pressure crushed her throat with a noise like he had never heard before. Almost surprised at his power, he lowered her down tot he floor. Quickly, he opened her up, exposing some outta this world breasts. This nerd was hiding some D’s, and he went right down for a taste. 

Finally, the last one, Katie, the poet princess of the group was wondering out to find the rest of her club. She headed downstairs and the killer waiting patiently for the screaming to commence. 

It did not take long, once she got the door open downstairs, she know right away that the naked form of Whitney was indeed, very dead. She let out a *****-curtaling scream and raced up the stairs to find Felicity. Screaming again, she went up the stairs again, this time stumbling right over Lexxi’s body. More screams. Back down the stairs, screaming, screaming, then suddenly the killer had her as she went for the door. 

He ****** her wildly spasmadic body into the living room, straddled her and started choking her with his bare hands. But, he hands were tired from killing Felicity earlier and he saw a cord that would work. She took the moment of distraction to try to escape. Oh, but he was on point today, and was able to grab the cord, grab her legs, pull her to him and wrap the cord around her delicate young neck. She bucked and struggle in her pretty dress and sweater, now her black satin panties giving peekaboo's. 

He was raging with sexual drive now and wanted to kill her so he could have her. She took a while, but when it was over, she was still and he wend right to work. He did not move too fast, though he know time would soon be out--parents home from work, etc. He exposed her juicy young breasts and sucked them. He rubbed her pussy, then tasted it. Finally, he moved her to the couch and felt her insides, slamming her until satisfied. 

With an idea in mind, he picked her up and laid her out on a pool table, posing her. He then went up to where Lexxi was. His first. He still had stamina. So, he stripped her for easier access to her fine, fine body. Funny thing was, he knew from the conversation, she was only here as punishment. Poor girl--wrong place at the wrong time. Lucky him. He licked and sucked her pussy, then fucked her. Finally, using her hand, he reached orgasm and came on her tummy. He picked her up and brought her to the pool table. 

Then, he went and got Whitney, then Felicia. With them all posed on the table, he placed Katie’s lovely poem in the middle of them all. His work here was done, but his desire now would never be fulfilled. He looked to the future, to more girls, to poetry or not!!!

    Fuck Her Corpse 2 Deep Cover - "DEEP COVER 
"Fuck Her Corpse 2"
Starring Brandy Alexander
Directed by JohnM

Note:  Re-encoded to FULL 1920X1080 HD

Note:  This is the follow up to "Fuck Her Corpse".  If your a gore fan, you'll love this.  If you like espionage--you'll like it too.  If your a postmortem/necro fan you'll love it--unless your NOT a gore fan.  Did I mention, there was some gore?   If you are an effect fan, you might like this too.    Lots of flying blood.  I hope you check it out, it was a long, long time in the making.


  Lena was a Russian spy, deep undercover living in the US masquerading as a fashion magazine owner and icon.

Today, she was rendezvousing with her partner, a young agent she has been training for the last couple years.  Their relationship has become deeply personal.

They meet at the predetermined locations.  They embrace.  They fuck--passionately.  Toward the end, she is in control, making him lick her dirty shoes and toes.  It's a power thing for her.  Afterward, he give her a present, a new dress and shoes.  She strips and puts them on.  He helps her with the shoes. Then, he asks her for the chip, wanting it so that he can presenting to the chief and help further his career.  She shows it to him, but will not let him have it--to dangerous, and tucks it back into her locket.  He then runs off to use the bathroom before they leave.  When he is out of site, she revealed she has the real chip hidden in her hair, and carefully tucks it into her shoe.

As she waits for him, two SWAT's sneak in and open fire.  They are incompetent and the bullets ricochet all around her. With lighting precision, she takes them out with two head shots.

Now, she calls for he partner--warning him of the danger.  

Then, she is hit.  From behind.  She looks down. A hole in her belly.  She calls to him again and then two more shots.  

She fires back one, striking him in his shooting arm--he drops the gun, she kicks it away.  CIA.  He is a double agent.  She points the gun, ready to kill who was once her prodigy, her lover, her partner.

Suddenly, she is filled with lead from behind as a machinegun riddles her--tearing up her white fabric, turning it red.  She twists agains the wall, and the man fires again---filling her full of holes--blood and flesh caking the wall.  

Jack, her "ex" partner, fires into her has well.

When it is over, she turns around, surprisingly, still standing.  She spits out blood and says "your not supposed to shoot a girl in the back".  As she raises her gun, three new holes in her right tit appear.

Jack asks her for the chip.  She tells them where they can go, so they finish her, a barrage of machinegun fire from both men end with two shots to the head and her brains spatting across the wall behind her.   Her eyes staring widely, she sinks down to the ground in a puddle of blood and gore.  Dead.

They grab the chip in the locket around her neck and leave.

Later, they return, she has been dead a day.  The chip was a counterfeit.  They search her for the real one.  her body is in rigor, it is difficult to move her.  As they lift her up, her intestines fall out her back with a gallon of dark blood. 

They pull her away from the mess and search her.

Finally, the find it.  In her shoe.

That is when, things get weird.  They are both mesmerized by her feet and her beauty--even in this state.

They decide to have their way with her.

Both men take turns fucking her.  Sometimes, one would be fucking her pussy, while the other fucked her skull or mouth.

When they were done, they posed her and leave.

Fetish Elements:  Nudity,  Explicit Sexual Content, Sex Scene, Graphic Shooting, Machinegun, Head Shots, Gore, Shoe Fetish, Foot Fetish, Toe Licking, Postmortem, Necro BJ, Necro Fucking, Implied Skull Fucking, Blood, Clothes Tearing, Body Views.

Note: Actresses are over 18 at the time of filming and the word "teen", "teenage", "young girl" is only meant to imply legal age characters regardless of audience interpretation.

PKF Studios adheres to USC 2257 record keeping requirements.

  This movie presented in High Definition
1920X1080 HD MP4 Format

    Kitchen Shooting - Time: 9:53 minutes
Starring: Paris Kennedy 
This video features: shooting *****	

When Jody's lover arrives she confronts him about when he planned to leave his wife. When he is reluctant to commit, she pushes the issue harder, but gets frustrated with his reluctance and turns away. With her back toward him, Alan reveals the snub-nosed .38 he was concealing under his shirt. He had hoped he would not have to do this, but came prepared and with the conviction of a man afraid of his life being turned upside-down. 

As he raised the gun at his lover of two years, he started to sob and the pistol shook with his unease about killing her. Jody, hearing his sobs and turning around with a plan to drop the issue and comfort her man, gasps in shock at what she sees. He only hesitates for a moment, then fires, hitting her in the belly just below her bellybutton. Her hands instinctively move to cover the small hole, and ***** pours out through her fingers, splattering on the floor around her bare feet. The wave of pain and nausea hits, and losing her balance she falls back against the cabinets and slides to the floor, sitting upright, looking from her profusely bleeding wound back to Alan as he himself sits, sobbing inconsolably. She is in shock and her body shakes as her hands try to find purpose -- should she clean the pool of ***** beside her, cover the wound, try to get up? She looks to her lover, Alan, for answers. To her horror, he has them. 

She tenses up as he points the gun directly at her left breast. When he fires, she has only a moment to see him and he, only an instant to witness her response; for in that instant the hot bullet slices into her buxom breast with a sound of flesh tearing and the wood splintering behind, she is dead. Her head falls with a smack against the wooden drawer that holds the cookbooks that she would no longer need. Her eyes are open and fixed. Her mouth is slightly open, as if to say she was sorry or perhaps to profess her love for him one last time, though he may have cut those words off in the instant he murdered her. She was dead and he had killed her. He loved her. 

Slinking away to get back to his life with his wife and family; to put this big mistake behind him forever in hopes that the telltale heart does not cometh in the night for his conscious. We are left with body pans of Jody, dead, but perhaps still beautiful...yes, most defiantly, still beautiful.

    Permanent Vacation - “Permanent Vacation”
Starring Whitney & Wednesday
Directed by JohnM

Whitney and her mom are relaxing on their vacation, trying to decide where to go for dinner. They are waiting for Dad to join them, but he has been preoccupied with business stuff. He goes into the bedroom to take a phone call as the gals chit-chat. Suddenly, an unexpected knock on the door breaks the familial gaiety.

Mom answers and is immediately ambushed by a slick assassin armed with a pistol. He orders her to sit beside Whitney on the couch and beckons for Dad. It seems Dad's business dealings have gotten the attention of the wrong kind of people. This hitman wants the secret corporate info and he's threatening the entire family!

Watch as Whitney and Mom whimper in each other's arms, in a desperate attempt to console one another. The sadistic killer takes pleasure in drawing out the gunpoint interrogation. He commands little Whitney to make out with her MILF of a mom for his amusement. Dad squirms in horror as Mom is forced to suck on Whitney's perky teen breasts.

Will Dad give the assassin the info he wants? Or will this killer make sure the family never returns from their vacation? He has the gun, and with it, the ability to shred all of their soft flesh with hot lead.
Fetish Elements: Partial Nudity, Explicit Sexual Content, Stripping, Violence, Shooting, Belly Shot, Blood, Teen, Lesbian Fondling, Taboo, Begging, Terror, Multi-Shooting, Multi-Girl, Head Shot, Body Views, Foot Views. 

Note: Actresses are over 18 at the time of filming and the word "teen", "teenage", "young girl" is only meant to imply legal age characters regardless of audience interpretation.

PKF Studios adheres to USC 2257 record keeping requirements.

1920X1080 HD Quality MP4 Format

    Penance III - "Penance III"
Starring Samantha Jo
Directed By JohnM


Note: This is very intense. The third and final chapter in this take of embezzlement and bad judgment. Samantha, completely innocent, pays the ultimate price for her sisters poor judgment.
Before she put the money in the off shore account and before she sent Raven her share, Jenny set up an account for her little sister, Samantha. It was only $250,000. Not much considering how much she and Raven took. But still allot of money for her little sister.

Now, Jenny was dead. Brutally murdered as was her lover Raven.

Samantha talking on the phone to her boyfriend--oblivious to the events that happened just a week ago. Unaware that her sister is dead.. She has just come home from where she works and is very excited. She tells him about the package she received and there was a lot of money in it from her sister. She explains that she is packing, that her sister told her she needed to take a vacation right away.

“I've already bought a plane ticket and I'm leaving in an hour.” She says. “Don't worry when I get there I'll call you and arrange for you to meet me. No I have to leave now. Don't worry you'll hear from me soon. I love you now I have to go.”

We see her packing and she doesn't notice he man enter the room quietly.

The he is on her. Hitting and kicking. She screams for him to stop. He kicks her repeatedly in the stomach then throws her on the bed. As she struggles, he bashes her head into the night stand. She is out.

She wakes up moments later, disoriented and then is begging and screaming why are you doing this, who are you.

“Friends of mine had a little conversation with Raven and your sister. Seems They took money from their boss. And guess what they got caught. When we checked your sisters account we found she set up another account with $250,000 of the money. It didn't take us long to figure out who she set the account up for. You do know something about that account don't you?”

She is whimpering no, she says she doesn't know what he is talking about. She tries to crawl away, so he plows her head into the wall. She is out again--this time for a long time.

He strips her to her stocking and ties her spread eagle on the bed. He puts a ball gag in. He then gets in her face, wakes her up, and tells her that they are going to have a little conversation and she is going to tell him where that money is. She is groaning and moaning, writhing around in her restraints.

After going over her hot young body, he takes out a stun gun and begins to shock her all over. Her body jerks and spasms and she is shocked to near exhaustion.

She sobbing profusely as she tells him the account information. He leaves to go verify it.

When comes back in she is struggling in her ties and crying. He has good news. The account number works. He also has some bad news.

He sits down on the bed next to her and tells her. “I've never got to do this before so you don't mind if I practice this a little.”

Her eyes get big and he begins tasering her from point to point as she screams and begs him to please stop.

He uses it on her breasts and then in between her legs. Her back bucks up and she strains to get lose while in constant pain.

Finally she is out.

He unties her and then rolls her over to her stomach, still enjoying her body and plays her some more while he handcuffs her wrist behind her.

He rolls her over to her back while she is still out. She wakes up moaning. She tries to slid up the bed but he hold onto her legs to keep her in his grasp.

Finally he stands up and drags her off the bed onto her knees on the floor. He takes out the ball gag and forces himself into her mouth while she begs him to please stop. He holds her head while he forces the BJ. She gags and chokes on his cock.

He finally picks her up and puts her on her knees on the bed, and takes her hard from the rear. As he goes harder and harder he grabs her hair and pulls her head back and rapes her for a good long time. He finally turns her over onto her back. Grabs her ankles and takes her hard from this position until he comes hard inside of her.

He turns her her loose and she rolls over onto the bed crying. He leaves the room to get cleaned up.

When he comes back she is still crying. “Are you going to leave now. You got what you wanted.”

“Well maybe, but first you have to be nice to me”

He takes her again to her knees on the floor. I want you to get me off one last time and I want you to make me enjoy it.

She is whimpering and begging but he says that if she does this good he will go.

He makes her give him a good BJ and cum in her mouth--she is spitting and choking. She is crying again.

He gets up on the bed and lies down and takes her and puts her between his legs with the back of her head on his chest.

He strokes her hair and tells her that she doesn't need to cry that it's about over for her and she won't have to do anything else. Suddenly he has the garrote around her neck and is choking her. She is gasping and kicking. Her hands try and get under the rope but it is way too tight. She struggles for a good, long time, but finally she is gone.

He fucks her dead body, enjoying her one last time, before cumming all over her tits.

He leaves her spread eagle on the bed.

Contains: Violence, Hitting, Beating, Nudity, Explicit Sexual Content, Forced BJ, Sexual Assault, Unconscious, Restraints, Stun Gun, Crying, Begging, Garrote Strangle , Necro Sex, Body Views.

Note: Actresses are over 18 at the time of filming and the word "teen", "teenage", "young girl" is only meant to imply legal age characters regardless of audience interpretation.

PKF Studios adheres to USC 2257 record keeping requirements.

Note: 1460X1080 Upscaled MP4 Format

    I Kill Whores - "I KILL WHORES" 

Starring Ashley Lane
Directed By JohnM

 A young, "girl-next-door" prostitute puts on a show for a new client.  He is very shy and opted to drive to a remote end of a local, forested part, for their.....session.  She gives him a great show, and an awesome blowjob, swallowing his load and looking sweet and innocent the whole time.

He is amazed and offers her the rest of his money if she will go all the way.  She agrees.  But first, he leans over her and opens the glove box.  She sees a gun and knife and is in shock as he get out of the car and goes to her side.  He opens her door and tries to pull her out.  She struggles, hanging onto the steering wheel, but soon lets go and falls to the ground.  Her wits about her once again, she runs off--the man chasing after her.

In the woods, he fires at her once, striking her in the back---dropping her to the mossy forest floor.  She can barely move as he approaches her, levels his gun and squeezes the trigger......but, the gun does not fire.  A jam.  He pulls out his knife, sit her up as she begs him not to.  He sliced her throat.   

She chokes on her blood as it pour out of her wound, coursing warm between her fingers and down her pale body.  Blood comes out her mouth, her eyes wide with awareness of her impending demise.  She falls to the forest floor, legs stretched out and locked in spasms as the remainder of her young life is soaked into the moss.

He observes her dead body, the starts to pull her up.

As she hangs, suspended by rope---draining---the car the brought her hear pulls away.   The coyotes would be  coming to pick her clean in short time.

Fetish Elements:   Violence, Nudity, Sexual Content,   Shooting, Throat Slice, Blood, Suspension, Body Views.

Note: Actresses are over 18 at the time of filming and the word "teen", "teenage", "young girl" is only meant to imply legal age characters regardless of audience interpretation. 

PKF Studios adheres to USC 2257 record keeping requirements.

  This movie presented in High Definition
1280X720 HD MP4 Format

    Break Room Nightmare - "Break Room Nightmare"  
Starring Alana and Trixi Gunns

Somewhere in a business park, two young women are working late for their employer.  In the break room, they talk about news of the day and their jobs.

A security guard enters, shotgun in hand.  They are unsure what to make of him, but quickly learn he meant them harm.  Under the guise of after hours inspections, he forces them up against the wall.  There, he frisks them heavily, making sure he crosses any boundaries they might have had.

Though he had a shotgun, one of the poor, young woman could not stand for the abuse and tried to defend her co-worker.  But, without a though, he pump, raised his gun and shot a load of buckshot in her belly.

She was slammed back against the wall, sliding down, spitting up dark guttural *****.  She looked up in shock.

He dragged the other girl over to her, then placed the shotgun against the wounded girls head.  Both pleaded--one not to shoot her friend, the other, closing her eyes, preying and hoping.

But, he shot her in the side of the head and she fell to the ground, motionless, bloody, eyes partially open and tongue slightly out--dead.

The other girl was in shock, emotional, crying for her friend, but she did not have time to dwell, because he grabbed her, through her over the table, pulled down her panties and with a shotgun to her neck, he ***** her in front of her dead co-worker.

Then he tossed her roughly to the ground next to her dead friend and was back on top of her, pulling her panties the rest of the way off and exposing her big tits.

He ***** her some more while holding the shotgun to her neck and chest.

She was moving just too much, so he let the tip of the shotgun find it's way into her mouth and pulled the trigger.  In a splash of mouth *****, she was dead.  

As the pool of ***** formed behind her head, he fucked her.  He fucked her warm corpse until he was done and came inside her.

He got up and rolled the other girls body to get a better look at it.  She was hot.  He did not have anymore energy to fuck her too and figured someone much have heard all the noise.  He ripped open her top, then got up and left---leaving the two young dead women in a pool of ***** and carnage.

Fetish Elements:   Nudity, Sexual Content, Torment, Searching, Shotgun Shooting--Belly, Head, Mouth--****, *****, Gore, Necrorape, Sim, Partial Stripping, Body Views.

Note: Actresses are over 18 at the time of filming and the word "teen", "teenage", "young girl" is only meant to imply legal age characters regardless of audience interpretation. 
PKF Studios adheres to USC 2257 record keeping requirements.
  This movie presented in High Definition
1280X720 HD WMV Format

    Daisy Dukes VS Seduction Girl - Daisy Dukes Vs. Seduction Girl
Time: 16:04 minutes
Starring: Karina Whitney 
This video features: shooting lesbian superhero multigirl *****	

NOTE: Here's a little campy super-heroine action with a shooting and great body views.
Daisy Dukes Girl gets her assignment to take out Seduction Girl. They battle, but SG's powerful pussy renders Daisy in a delirious orgasmic bliss. But Daisy manages to muster up enough strength to punch Seduction Girl and knock her out. Now she goes for her sword to finish the job.

Unfortunately, she is thwarted by technical problems and SG overcomes Daisy and puts her into an erotic coma with her pussy power. SG then engulfs Daisy in her lesbian lust. But, just before she goes in for the kill, she hears a familiar voice.

It's Jamaica Mon. JM laughs at her antics and 'tanks' her for 'da' help takin' out Daisy. But Daisy is wise to his motivations and quickly tries to seduce him. Of course, her powers won't work on the heavily stoned. But, he plays along until just the right moment.

Suddenly, he shoves SG onto the bed and fires three quick rounds into her large tit. She is dead.

JM goes over to Daisy--still in her erotic coma. She withers about the bed, only feeling pure pleasure. JM takes advantage of the situation and allows his gun to aid in her pleasure.

But, tiring of this, he fires--the bullet exiting out of her chest--killing her instantly.

With both of his nemesis dead, he leaves them lying together on the bed.

Fetish Elements: Nudity, Sexual Content, Multi-Shooting, Fighting, Lesbian, Body Views, Super-heroine.

    Home Too Early - Time: 33:55 minutes
Starring: Whitney 
This video features: necksnap teen	

A burglar is interrupted in mid-burgle when the lovely young occupant of the home returns unexpectedly. As she rubs her aching foot, he sneaks up behind her and begins choking her. When he begins to tire of her struggle, he snaps her neck. 

Now faced with a delectable dead body, all thoughts of burgling vanish and his attention turns to some necro-fun. He spends ample time slowly examining her lovely young body. He undresses her, rubs every inch of her soft flesh. He kisses and licks her teenage body. 

He lifts her up and lets her flop. He rolls her over and squeezes her firm ass. Later on he plays with her long hair and poses her.

    Student Postmortem - Student Postmortem
Time: 19:13 minutes
Starring: Emma Beth 
This video features: strangle_garrote teen necro_play	

A young woman arrives home and instantly is attacked with a club. She takes two hits the the skull and is down, still conscious, but disoriented. Before she can escape, he wraps a tie around her neck and ********* the life out of her. Once she is dead, he quickly removes her jeans and undies, then crawls on top of her -- enjoying sex with her lifeless body. After he gets that out of the way, he takes his time, slowly removing her clothes. Once she is naked, he lifts her up and carries her downstairs to enjoy some TV while she leans against him on the couch. In the morning he wakes up with her cool body on top of him. He rolls her off on to the floor and continues to enjoy her. Finally he takes the dead girl and places her on her own bed. He puts lipstick on and positions her until his is satisfied with the pose. Then he leaves.

1440X960 MP4 Format

    Penance II - Penance II
Time: 47:27 minutes
Starring: Raven Brandy Alexander 
This video features: strangle_garrote unconscious beating electricity  hosiery forced_sex begging necro_play forced_bj facial	

Jenny was packing. She had to catch a plane and she had a lot on her mind. The phone rang. It was Raven with good news. She just finished wiring the money they stole to an off shore bank. Raven and Jenny were friends since collage. The worked for the same man. Jenny was his lover, but only used it to her advantage to take the bastards money. In truth, Jenny and Raven were lovers and now, they would be together and be rich. They each had separate flights to catch before they could meet up and finally be happy together. They said their goodbyes. 

She was tired now, and fell into a nap. Meanwhile, Raven’s luck had run out. A man, arrived, beat her, ******** her and finally got her to spill some info. The info was about Jenny. He called his partner who was waiting for instructions. Go wait outside Jenny’s apartment he told the man. And the man did as he was told, hoping that this waiting game would become actionable. He enjoyed his job. Outside Jenny’s apartment he received the call. Raven was dead, it was a “go” on Jenny. 

In her apartment, Jenny awoke and remembered she was packing, then needed to get ready and leave soon. She groggily stood up and attended to her travel bag, unaware that a big man was approaching her. 

He grabbed her roughly and violently, plunging her head into a metal post with a clank. She went down and he did not let up. For several minutes he beat the holy fuck out of her. He pummeled her face, stomach and tits with his iron fist. He slapped her, hit her, kicked her, pulled her hair, kneed her. He would not let up until she was a red and purple puffy, bloody mess. She tried to crawl away and he kicked her hard, dragged her back, the tazored her until she was almost unconscious. 

Now they were in her bedroom. Time for the fun to begin. He picked her crumpled body up on the bed, then tazored her some more. For the next long while, he spent time tormenting her, hitting her some more. He pressed on her wounds. Over and over after a series of painful acts he would ask her for the name of the bank, the code and the password. She would not tell him. He continued to work on her. 

Over time, he stripped off her clothes--all but her garter, stockings and heels. He sexually fondled her over and over, squeezing her bruised tits and fingering her tight pussy. 

He continued to intermittently tazor her. He cuffed her legs. Then he cuffed one hand, put in through the legs cuffs and cuffed it to the other hand--making a hog tie. He put a ball gag in her mouth. 

He continued to assault and razor her, then ask for the info. Finally, after a long time, he felt he had not other options and took out his gun, leveled it at her. He was planning to kill her if she did not talk immediately. And, she did. He probably could have used that method at first, but, whats’s the fun in that. 

Now that he had the info, he had no use for her. He had told her Raven was dead and was certain she believed he would kill her. And, he planned to. But, she did not have to believe that just yet. So he gave her hope as he took out his cock. She did not want to, but knowing that she would live if she did helped her motivation. 

He shoved his cock in her mouth, then face fucked her until she could not take it anymore. He roughly flipped her over, removed her heels, the fucked her doggie-style. After a short time, he flipped her on her back and fucked her some more--the girl was so tight. When he was ready to cum, he pulled out and let it loose on her lips. She was  with his cum all over her mouth, some if it oozing inside--she could taste it and she was sick. 

Now she sat, beat and battered on the edge of the bed, not looking at him behind her. She was trying to gather herself up. She had survived it---maybe Raven was not so lucky. She was ready to cry. 

The rope came suddenly around her neck. She realized he was  her and she fought as hard as she could using all the strength left in her. 

The garrote dug deep in her neck and her body bucked and legs swung. She tried to fight, twisting and turning. At one point, he let her go, just to fuck with her. She thought she was free, heading to the door, but he had her in an instant and she know it was over. 

Her strength nearly gone, she looked beyond her death, past the ceiling, trying to see Ravens face, but it was all fading so fast. 

He could see death approaching and that made him swell up even more beneath her. She was a fine, fine kill, for a long job well done. The satisfaction as he watched her quiver and buck, her eyes wide and staring with her mouth open, was inexplainable. 

When she was still, he lifted her up and climbed out from underneath the dead girl, letting her flop to the bed. 

As she stared, lifeless and battered, he gathered up his belongings and evidence, then left.

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